Part 9 - Cloud Nine

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The rest of the day I felt like I was on cloud nine. I couldn't stop smiling. I was going to homecoming with Peter Parker.

At lunch, we told Ned that we're going to homecoming together, he was really happy and kept teasing us. He kept saying "Y/N Parker" over and over again. I occasionally looked over at Liz and saw her glaring back at me. I tried to avoid looking at her but her cold glare tempted me to look.

After school, I raced home because I couldn't wait to tell my mom the good news.

I opened the door and ran through, I saw my mom sitting in the kitchen working on her laptop.

"Mom! Guess what," I exclaimed.

"What is it, Y/N," She said annoyed. I could definitely tell that today wasn't a good day for her.

"I have a date to homecoming!" I said proudly.

Her head shot up, a huge grin spread along her face, "Wow, honey! That's fantastic!" She got up and walked around the table and came over and hugged me.

"Who is the lucky gentlemen who gets to take you to homecoming?" She asked.


"Peter Parker?" She asked.

I forgot, my mom has been so out of my life lately, I never even told her that Peter is my best friend again. I sat her down and told her the story of how I met him again, then I told her about how he asked me to homecoming today.

She was very very happy for me, and I swear she didn't stop smiling for an hour. I finally finished my homework around 7:00. Once I was finished putting my backpack together for the next morning, my phone rang. I picked it up and saw that it was Elise calling.

"Hey, so what's this big news you have to tell me?" I asked.

I heard her sigh over the phone, "My mom is getting re-married."

"Oh my gosh! That's great!"

"No, no it's not. The guy she's marrying has a daughter our age named Mandy and she's a total brat."

"Oh, well that's not good." I said sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah, I also have more good news and bad news."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm coming to New York to visit you in a week!"

I jumped up almost fell over, "Oh my god! Are you serious? I can't wait to see you again."

"And here's the bad news," Elise paused, "Mandy is coming with me. Mom says I can't ditch her or anything so she'll be with us the entire time."

I fell back on the bed again, "Ugh, well we'll handle her. I just can't wait to see you! You get to meet Peter!"

"I can't wait to see you soon! I'll be there on Thursday afternoon! So in exactly a week and two days!"

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I started to wonder if Peter would show up tonight. I waited in my room for a while, but he never showed up. I decided to head downstairs and watch some TV, but then I heard a knock at the balcony door.

I quickly ran over and opened it revelaing Peter in his Spider-Man suit.

"Care to go for a ride?" He says holding out his hand.

I grab onto his hand and he shoots a web somewhere into the night. He wraps his arm around my waist and we swing away.

I was holding onto Peter really tight because I didn't tell him, but I have a huge fear of heights.

"You having fun?" Peter asks.

"Yeah!" I say, despite my fear of heights, I was having fun.

It felt so weird, like flying through the sky. I got to see views that I've never seen before. About two minutes later we land on the ground and Peter lets go of my waist.

"Peter, that was amazing!" I exclaim.

"Thanks, I really like doing that, and it was much more fun with you." Peter says through his mask.

"Listen Y/N," Peter starts, "I r-really really like you, and I was w-wondering if you w-want to be my... g-girlfriend?"

I stood there shocked, I opened my mouth to answer, but no words came out.

"I-it's fine if you don't want to," Peter says.

"No Peter, I really want to. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I said as I held his hand.

"Great!" I could tell he was smiling based on the way his voice sounded.

"Um, well I should take you home now." Peter said.

"Oh yeah, of course."

Peter wrapped his arm around my waist again and I held on tight as we swung away into the night.

When I finally got home, I couldn't stop smiling. I told Peter that my best friend was coming to visit in about a week and he seemed nervous to meet her. I told him not to worry and that she'll like him. I had trouble comprehending that Peter was now my boyfriend. I couldn't believe it. I felt like I was glowing I was so happy. Life back in New York has been great. I go to a great school, I reunited with my best friend, he's now my boyfriend, we're going to homecoming together, and my best friend from Michigan is coming to visit. I decided to go to bed since I was super tired. I crawled into bed smiling because I couldn't wait to see Peter tomorrow.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I reached to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. 

My phone said the time was 3:07 AM

I checked the notification on my phone and it said "BREAKING NEWS: Spider-Man stops kidnapping" I go into the article and read what it says: "Spider-Man stopped the kidnapping of 17 year old Liz Toomes." I freeze when I see Liz's name, but I continue to read:

"The 17 year old was walking back from a party when she was approached by two men both dressed in black and was forced into their car. Spider-Man luckily showed up and took care of the kidnappers and got the girl home safely. Thank you Spider-Man!" 

I had a knot in my stomach. I was hoping that Peter also got home safe. I decided to send him a text,

Y/N: Hey I heard about the kidnapping are you OK?

Peter: Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry.

Y/N: OK, good. I'll see you in school tomorrow. Goodnight Peter :)

Peter: Goodnight Y/N :)

I put my phone on my nightstand and laid back down in my bed. I felt much better knowing that Peter was safe. I closed my eyes and fell asleep thinking about Peter and I dancing at Homecoming together. 

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