Part 21 - Burns

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Thursday - 2 days before Peter and Y/N's Birthday. 

Around 3:00 AM Elise and I finished filming for Peter's birthday. We went to sleep quickly because we had school the next day. Before I knew it my alarm went off scaring both Elise and me.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned.

"Elise," I shook her.

She was refusing to get up and kept rolling over.

I decided to let her sleep because she was tired.

I got my clothes for today, a white shirt, leggings, red flannel and tennis shoes. I applied light makeup and brushed through my rat's nest of hair.

I went downstairs to grab a granola bar. I saw Peter sitting down in the kitchen with Mandy. She was talking sweetly to him, but I saw his face, something else was on his mind.

"Hey, Peter." I step into the kitchen, "What are you doing here?"

He stands up, "I need to talk to you."

"OK," I say hesitantly.

He leads me into the living room and he sits down.

"Peter you're scaring me,"

"Mr. Stark called me this morning, he needs me to go to Sweeden with him tomorrow,"

"Peter that's great!" I exclaim.

"But, I won't be back until after our birthday." He says.

My smile falls and I grow silent, "You won't be here for our first birthday together in over 3 years?" I breathe.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. This just came up and-and it's Tony Stark-"

"Peter, it's fine. T-Trust me," I say choking on my words.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry."

"Peter," I laugh, "It's fine. Trust me, I'll be alright."

Peter hugs me and gives me a kiss on the forehead, "I promise, we'll celebrate as soon as I get back home."

Peter and I pull away from each other and I look at him in the eye, "Peter, please, just be careful. I want you to come home safe and unharmed."

"I promise I will." He says to me.

"OK, well are you taking your laptop on the trip?"

"Yeah," Peter paused. "Why?"

"Cause I'm gonna send you something on our birthday,"

"Oh, OK," Peter says.

Peter and I stare at each other for a bit, I never noticed the little wrinkles he gets by his eyes when he smiles.

I decide to play a little trick on Peter and go into his thoughts. I concentrate and focus on Peter's thoughts.

'How did I get so lucky to have her as my girlfriend. I feel so bad that I won't be here for her on her birthday.'

"I'm so lucky to have you as my boyfriend. And Peter I'll miss you, but I want you to go and be happy fighting with the Avengers."

His face turned cherry red and he couldn't speak.

"That's just what I was thinking except about you," Peter says. I shrugged and smiled, "Guess great minds think alike,"

If I tell Peter I can read minds, he'll figure out I'm Gemini, and Tony Stark told me to keep it a secret.

"Uh, we should get going, to school," Peter says.

"Oh yeah, lemme see if Elise is awake, if not she can stay home."

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