Part 20 - The Gift

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"Y/N?" Peter says.

"Y/N?" I see Peter sitting on a bench, "Come sit down."

I walk over to him and sit down on the cold bench.

"Our birthday is today!" He reaches over the side of the bench and picks up a nicely wrapped gift. He hands it to me with a huge smile on his face, "Happy birthday!"

I freeze, shocked, our birthday is today? How can this be?

"You don't have a gift for me, do you?" Peter asks coldly.

"Peter, I'm really sorry-" He cuts me off.

"I can't believe you." He gets up.

"I get you an amazing gift, and you forgot?"

Tears form in my eyes, "Peter I'm really sorry, I've been so busy-"

"Busy being Gemini?" He turns his back towards me.

"How do you know?"

"I'm your boyfriend, of course, I knew."

He turns to face me, "I mean, I was, your boyfriend."

"No," I cry, "No Peter please don't do this."

"I'm sorry Y/N. But we're through." He walks away leaving my gift sitting next to me.

I sit there on the bench crying for a few minutes. Once Peter was out of sight, I get up and walk over to the present. My hands brush over the red and white wrapping. I slowly start to unwrap it.

Inside was a little white box. I reach out and take the lid off the box.

A black mist flows out of the box and reaches down my mouth. It fills my throat with a bitter taste. I struggle to breathe and I'm gasping for air.

"Y/N!" I hear someone scream.

I try to reach out for help but no one is there. The mist consumes my eyes and fills my entire body.

"Y/N!" I'm shaken awake by Elise.

I sit up, sweat beating down my face.

"W-what happened?" I asked.

"You were having some sort of nightmare, you kept saying 'Peter I'm sorry'"

I reach over and touch Elise's shoulder, "Elise you need to help me figure out what to do for Peter's birthday."

Elise looks puzzled, "OK, we can think of something in the morning,"

"No, now," I say.

"Y/N, it's one in the morning,"

"Elise, I only have three days to get something figured out, please," I beg.

She thinks and studies my face for a moment,"OK, fine. But you owe me,"

I squeal and jump off the bed.

I grab a box out of my closet and set it down on the bed.

"What is all of this?" Elise asks.

I take the lid off revealing all the pictures of Peter and me, and everything that ever reminded me of him.

"This is the Peter Box," I say.

"Peter Box?'

"It's everything that's ever reminded me of Peter, or any memories of things that I ever did with Peter." I show her the inside, "I thought it could help me think of an idea."

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