Part 54 - Dress

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It's been a week since my mom told me that I could stay in New York. It's also been a week since my dad left for Florida without saying goodbye to me.

I know he was upset about me being Gemini, my mom's decision. But I thought that I would at least hear from him by now.

Other than that, everything has been going great. Peter and I are basically spending all our time together. Everything that we do something like hug, or if I kiss him on the cheek, Ned and MJ act like they're going to puke.

Everything with Peter has been going perfect, no new drama has happened. It also seems too perfect, like I'm having the best dream ever.

"Hello? Y/N?" Ned says.

I snap out of my thoughts to see Peter, Ned, and MJ all looking at me. We're sitting in a booth at a local diner. Peter and I sitting on one side, with Ned and MJ on the other side.

"Sorry," I say sheepishly.

"We've been calling your name for like minutes," Ned replies.

MJ looks up from her book, "She was probably daydreaming about Parker,"

I blush and look at Peter, who is staring back at me.

I look away, "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't,"

"OK, so guys my mom got four extra tickets from her work, to go to this art gallery at MOMA, and she and my dad both can't make it. So she was wondering if we wanted to go," Ned says.

It's obvious that he's very excited about this, he has this big smile on his face. I know he's just looking for an opportunity to wear the new hat that he bought today.

"I'll go," I say, I turn to Peter, "You in?"

"Yeah, sure." He replies.

We all turn to MJ who surprisingly is looking back at us. She sighs and thinks it over for a minute "Fine, but I'm not wearing a dress."

Ned cheers and tells us that it is a formal event, so we should dress nicely. MJ groans, and I laugh. Everything has been so crazy lately, that I haven't really gotten to spend time with Ned and MJ.

"It's at 7 pm tomorrow night, I'm assuming you and Y/N will be carpooling?" Ned nods to Peter.

"Uh, well yeah," Peter says and his face turns red, "Well, I mean if you want to?" His voice was so soft I could barely hear it.

"Sure, we'll carpool." I grab his hand and hold onto it. My phone buzzes with a message from my mom. I pull it out of my pocket to read it.

Coming home soon?

Be home in ten.

"Sorry guys, I gotta head home. My mom wants me for dinner," I frown.

Peter is on the outside of the booth so he scoots out so I can leave, "I'll call you later," he says to me.

I give him a little kiss on the cheek which results in Ned and MJ pretending to gag. I giggle and then exit the diner.


My mom and I were sitting at the table for dinner. We were talking about all kinds of things, how school was going, how Peter is, and how being Gemini is.

That's kinda become a routine for us. Every night Peter and I would get back from patrol around 9:30 pm. My mom would be waiting in my room for me to come climbing down from the roof, using a web string that Peter shot for me to climb down. She always wants to know what happened, even if it was a boring night.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow night I'm going to an art gallery at MOMA with Peter, Ned, and MJ. And I kinda need a dress." I give her a sweet smile because I knew she would be upset that we need to go buy a new dress on such short notice.

"Y/N, we talked about this. You can't just expect me to drop work to go shopping for something you need last minute," She scolds.

I drop my fork and put my face in my hands, "I know, I know. I'm sorry. Ned just told us about it today, and I don't have a dress to wear."

"What about your homecoming dress?" My mom asks.

"Yeah, I guess I could wear that."

My mom sits there and thinks for a moment, "What time is the art gallery?"

"7 pm. But Aunt May and Peter are picking me up at 6:45 pm." I take a bite of the meatloaf my mom made for dinner.

"OK, I'll make you a deal. I'll get off of work at 3, and we can go dress shopping. But only if you let me do your hair and makeup!"

I groan and my mom scowls, "Come on, you haven't let me do your hair since you were 8. And, I know you like natural makeup, but you need a little bit more of a mature evening look for tomorrow night. Plus this is the only way you're getting a new dress."

I groan even louder, "OK! Fine!"

My mom claps her hands and cheers. She starts talking about how she needs to go through all her makeup and find the right eyeshadow shade for me tomorrow. I zoned out after a minute because I was so uninterested.

After dinner, I headed up to my room to do my home. I was in the middle of my Spanish homework when my phone rang. I flipped it over and saw Peter's name.

I tapped the green 'answer' button, "Hey loser,"

"Hey! I'm not a loser. In case you forgot, I'm Spider-Man," He whines.

"Do you use that to win every argument?" I laugh.

He stays silent for a moment, "Only with you and Ned."

"So what's up Web Head?" I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling.

"I was just doing homework. Hey, what are you wearing tomorrow for the art gallery." He asks.

"I don't even know yet. My mom is taking me dress shopping tomorrow. But no matter what I pick out I'll look bad anyway, so it doesn't matter."

"Y/N, in all the years I've known you, you've never looked bad in anything," He tells me.

I blush, thankful that he can't see me. Peter is like the perfect boyfriend it's unreal.

"Thanks, Parker, you're not too bad yourself."

We stay on the phone the rest of the night together. I never did finish my Spanish homework, but it didn't matter. For once in my life, I truly felt safe and happy.





A/N: Ahh, this is such a short chapter and such a bad one. Anyways, there is only one last chapter left in this book guys, and the final chapter will end in a cliffhanger. But once you're finished with chapter 55, click to the next chapter that will be titled "Sequel Tease" to see a sneak peek at what's to come in the sequel. Any predictions on what will happen? Thank you all for reading this chapter! I hope you liked it even though it sucked, remember to comment, vote and follow!

Love always,

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