Chapter Two

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Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Flashback (cont.)

The knock at my bedroom door came some time later, waking me up from the blissfully dreamless nap I was having. I groaned, sure that it was Patton, coming here to see why I didn't go to the party. I pulled my hood lower on my head and didn't move. No, I wasn't going to answer to anyone - not even Patton.

The knocking got more insistent and I assumed that Patton must be worried or something to be pounding that hard. What, did he think I was dead or something? Good grief. If he continued knocking like that he'd break down my door.

I slid lazily off the couch and got to my feet sleepily, pulling my hood up back over my head and sliding my headphones down - leaving it resting comfortably on my collarbone.

Patton's knocking somehow got even more insistent and I frowned, anxiety building. Was there actually something seriously wrong? Nah, this was Patton. He was probably over-reacting.

Maybe someone took the last Chocolate Chip Cookie.

"Coming!" I yelled, making my way to the door slowly - struggling because my foot had suddenly decided to fall asleep, causing pins and needles to race all the way up my leg.

Patton didn't stop knocking, even after my yell. I guess he didn't hear me. He was nothing if not persistent.

But seriously - any second now he was going to break my door.

Slightly annoyed, I finally made it to my door.

I threw the door open and started to speak before Patton  could get any sentence in. "Look Patton I -"

I stopped, my train of thought coming to a screeching halt. It wasn't Patton at my door, like I'd assumed, but...


And in a moment of pure genius, I came up with a BIG OL':


"Oh thank goodness this is right," Princey said looking relieved. "I've been told a thousand different rooms and I don't think I could've stood for this one to be wrong too. Why does no one know how to get to your room?"

I was speechless for a moment, my prepared speech for Patton going out the window. "Wha-What are you doing at my room?" I asked, struggling to string a complete sentence together. What did he want now?

"Looking for you, of course," Princey said casually. As if it was just an everyday thing to show up at people's doors.


For a second it almost looked like Princey was lost for words. But I must've imagined it because before I could tell if he really had hesitanted, he was speaking. "I - um - was rather offended by your sudden teleportation and came for an apology... since it was clear to me that you had no intention of coming to ME."

"Are you kidding me?!" I forced a laugh. Was he serious? "You came after me... because you wanted me to APOLOGIZE to YOU? Nice try. If anything, you should be trying to apologize to ME, " I said, folding my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at him.

For some reason, Princey looked offended. "I'm giving you the chance to APOLOGIZE. Amend your mistakes. But if you'd rather be here all by yourself then Be Our Guest!"

"Disney reference: that was cute," I acknowledged before remembering that I was supposed to be upset with him. "But now you're just being annoying. See ya!" I rushed to shut the door but the foolish prince stuck his shoe in the door at the last second.

I sighed in annoyance, resting my head on my dark doorframe.  There was so way I was going to cave to his big-headed-egotistical-overly-dramatic desires.

I just wish I wasn't the only one to let him know he was a jerk.

"You do realize that you pointed a sword at me just for not bending at your knees and pretending like you're my hero and bowing down to the almighty Prince," I said dropping into a mock bow, but keeping my eyes locked on his - which narrowed back at me in return.

The prince knew a sign of disrespect when he saw one.

"Is that what you thought?" Princey said, genuinely looking surprised. Like he didn't notice waving a freaking sword around. Ugh. "Is that why you were rude? HONESTLY - did you think I was going to chop your head off or something? Unlike you, I know how to use a sword," Princey said, placing a protective hand at his hip where I could see the sword that almost killed me.

"Just saying that you POINTED A SWORD AT ME and SOMEHOW expected that I WASN'T going to freak out? Especially since the only reason you pulled it out to begin with was because I didn't agree with you," I argued. "Besides, what the heck were you doing with that thing out anyway?"

Princey gasped in horror as if I had offended him. Man, he was so mad he was basically trembling.

Honestly - that dude needed a dose of low self-esteem. It would do him - and probably countless others - some good.

"'THAT THING' is a samurai sword! That thing!" Princey scoffed, lifting his head in the mannerisms of the extremely egotistical and concieted. Gosh my list was growing longer and longer already. "Well I'll have you know 'that thing' has been with me through every expedition - helping me battle the dreaded dragon-witch, my next adventure against..."

Princey kept talking but I wasn't listening anymore, noticing that while he was ranting about his "brave expeditions" he'd moved his foot away from the door, leaving me free to slam it shut.

I didn't waste a second.

I slammed the door shut, admittedly with more force than I had intended. Princey continued banging on the door, but it was pointless. I wasn't going to open it - especially now that I knew who was on the other side.

I slipped my lovely black headphones back on and the room went eerily silent as a picked a random playlist.

I dropped on the couch - I hardly ever used my bed - and fell asleep without a second thought to the concieted prince and his magical toothpick of death.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I promise it'll get better. Please just hang in there for now.

- Max :)

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now