Chapter Fifteen

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P.O.V.: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Flashback (cont.)

Everything has been...

Surprisingly peaceful.

Almost… unnaturally so.

And to be honest, it was kinda freakin’ me out.

I kept waiting for something to happen, something bad – I was constantly tense and jittered.

Something bad was going to happen.


I slipped my headphones on and I felt a comforting shiver run through my mind.

Something about a chunk of plastic around my head was oddly calming, for some mystical reason.

I wasn’t even playing any music. I don’t really need to, at least… not right now.

I only listen to music when I need to get out of my own head, but… trying to do the opposite of what I am the physical representation of is  something far more complicated than I could even begin to understand, much less explain.

And that didn't make me any less tense, any less wary.

Something was coming.


So when Prince came flying over the counter, it was no surprise that I screamed, but the fact that he had startled me was not entirely so.

There’s the something, I think.

OR maybe it was just a diversion and the REAL-

You know what?

I am an indecisive MESS.

Prince wasn’t even that close to me, to be completely honest, but I screamed anyway.  My scream was so loud it startled Prince who - startled by my scream - accidently crashed into the round, wooden dining table.

I winced, feeling a little guilty, but I made sure not to let him think so.

“Good gosh! Prince, what were you thinking?!” I yelled, placing a hand over my heart as if that would stop it from racing.

“I - uh - I wasn’t exactly expecting you to - uh - swing around the corner there,” he said, rubbing his head from his spot on the floor, where he landed after he crashed.

“Why were you FLYING over the COUNTER?”

“Why would I walk when I can fly?”

“I dunno… maybe because we’re INSIDE,” I emphasized, rolling my eyes.

“Here,” I said, holding out my hand towards his rather pathetic form on the floor.

Thankfully, Prince no longer walked around shirtless, having adjusted his uniform to adjust to the wings by cutting two long slits in the back of them, but still the brush of the palms of our hands still made my cheeks flare up a slight pink and I hated it. I hated how he was able to make me so flustered so easily.

Prince readily accepted my outstretched hand, both of us grunting as he got to his feet.

“Why, thank you very much, Fair Anxiety,” Prince said, flashing me a grin, dusting off dirt from his pants – not that I saw any.

I guess he was just disgusted with me as a was with myself.

I ignored his smile, continuing on my way to the kitchen.


Well I couldn't ignore such a direct statement.


Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now