Twenty-Five and A Half

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This isn't going to be anything new - just highlighting everything major that's happened in Present Days so far. Though I'd still recommend reading this, I might highlight some important things that you may have missed...

Chapter Titles will be like this







... after my finals are done :3

So I lost my flash drive today.  With my final project on it.  And two other major assignments.  I have to redo them now.


And they're all due tomorrow.

*C R I E S*

I have a paper that I have to write tonight.  And now - because I lost my flash drive - my workload as just - like - TRIPLED.

Guess I'm not sleeping tonight.


Prologue: Roman, Third Person

"I just don't understand why you won't talk to me!" Roman yelled, clearly frustrated. "That's not how relationships work, Virgil! We lean on each OTHER."

"Well I DON'T lean on anyone," Virgil snapped back, fists clenched against his sides. Virgil's pale face looked slightly pink which proved he must be LIVID right now - the maddest Roman had ever seen him. "I don't rely on anyone. Never have, never will. I JUST don't let people in. And if that bothers you, then the door's right there."


"I just...don't understand why you won't let me in," Roman dropped his voice to a normal level, quiet even. "It feels like I'm always... chasing you. Why do you keep running away from me? Why?" 


"Come and find me if you change your mind," Roman said, not looking up as he spoke, knowing that if he looked up and saw Virgil's face he wouldn't have the strength to leave.

And Roman always gave Virgil what he wanted.


Long after Roman had shut the door, he hovered on the other side, some silly part of Roman hoping that Virgil would open it. Some part of Roman hoping that Virgil would open it and see him and take him back.

He didn't.

After about an hour of waiting outside his door, Roman teleported blindly to his room, hardly making it to the toilet before he puked.  


 Well, I guess he didn't need me as much as I'd thought.


How had Roman given him EVERYTHING and received nothing but heartbreak in return? 


Chapter Six: Virgil, Third Person

Virgil collapsed the moment Roman shut the door.

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now