Chapter Nine

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So I dunno what happened, but over the course of the past 24-ish hours, I got a lot - and I mean A LOT (I mean like from three votes to thirty here)- of votes on this story. So I wanted to do a quick shoutout for those who voted since the last shoutout because WOW. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!


Go check them out!

And THANK YOU!! :)

And I wasn't going to post a chapter today, but how could I not after this! So enjoy! :)

P.O.V: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Flashback (cont.)

This is too soft to be my couch I thought as I opened my eyes.

And I was right. It was too soft.

Because this wasn't my couch.

It was Princey's bed.

My eyes opened quickly at the thought and I was immediately blinded by bright light. I let out a muffled cry of pain as my eyes watered, but I couldn't bring myself to look away.

Princey was...


Well, what exactly was he doing?

Prince was surrounded by at least ten different books, all of them open to different pages. I honestly didn't think he had any books - much less read anything at all. Like ever.

But that wasn't even the most surprising part.

Prince was glowing.


I stared flabbergasted at the whole scene.

Prince's eyes were closed tightly in concentration, his left hand out in front of him and the fingers of his right hand pressed harshly against his right temple. He was panting too, as if what he was doing was physically strenuous, instead of just doing some apparently intense concentrating.

And that's when he opened his eyes.


The iris, the pupil, the - the EVERYTHING was gold. Even though I wasn't entirely out of his range of sight, I somehow knew he wasn't seeing me at all, but something else that I couldn't see just yet.

And then sparks flew.

No, not those kind of sparks - geez.

But actual, literal purple sparks flew from his outstretched fingertips. They twisted together, and started... creating.

The purple sparks kept flowing from Prince's fingers, more and more twisting together in some kind of magical dance. They all connected together like some sort of tight spider web, the sparks pulsing in sync with one another, as they overlapped over and over again.

A brilliant purple light forced me to close my eyes, and when I peeled then open, I couldn't help the gasp that skipped from my lips.

It was... a wheelchair.

It was... beautiful.

The wheelchair was black and dark gray for the most part. But I noticed the purple tint Prince had added to the wheelchair and I couldn't help smiling -


How did Prince know my favorite color was purple?

Not even Patton would know that.

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now