Chapter Eight

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P.O.V.: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Flashback (cont.)

I sighed with relief as I slipped on the new clothes, exhausted. I still didn't really understand everything that had happened, but for now I was too tired to worry about it. Besides, I needed to change. Ew.

I yanked my shirt over my head, panting at the effort. My muscles were trembling in exhaustion. Who knew a seizure could take so much out of you? I felt like I had just run a marathon - every part of me just HURT. But I was not going to go through the embarrassment of Princey changing me.

After I took a moment to recover, I made my way to Princey's closet, flicking on the light.

And I was blinded IMMEDIATELY.

I winced, stumbling backwards out of pure survival instinct.

It was too... bright.

My own closet was all dark colors - black, gray, and even some rare navy blue.

Oh, and some purple I guess. Not that I would wear anything other than black anyway.

But PRINCEY good GRIEF. It was like walking into the sun for crying out loud.

It was all white, gold, and some red. It was painful to look at. I'm not sure how he does it.

Thankfully he had some black pants otherwise I wouldn't even be able to look in here without being blinded.

I searched for anything that wasn't a bright color - but all I could find was Princey's usual outfit and the suit he was wearing at the party when I first met him.

I grimaced before pulling Princey's uniform over my head. It was too... ugh. I glanced at myself in the mirror - seriously who keeps a full-length mirror in their closet?- and it looked... like Princey. Other than my bangs falling over my eyes and the dark eyeshadow of course.

No, no, no. I was going straight to my room to change immediately. No - I was - nope, nope, nope. Embarrassing. Nope.


I jumped, my hands coming up in defense, acutely started. I replayed the voice in my mind and realized that it could only be Patton, and that Prince was back and he'd brought everyone with him. I didn't even hear them come in - which was odd considering that I was usually the most alert out of all the sides. I guess my tiredness was beginning to take a toll.

Prince looked lost for words. None of them had noticed me yet.

"I swear he was right -"

"Here," I interjected, stepping out of the closet.

Wow, I knew I was going to regret it, I just didn't think I'd regret it IMMEDIATELY.

All of the sides stared at my instantly, surprised. I think Patton jumped a little. Even Logan seemed a little caught off-guard.

They all stared - gaped really - at my outfit. I shifted momentarily, not enjoying their scrutiny at all.

Prince... was he going to cry? Good grief.

Patton was the first to jump into action, rushing over and tackling me with a hug.

"Oof," I muttered, stumbling back a little from the force. I slowly put my arms around him, gently trying to coax him off me. Instead he only gripped me tighter. Was... was Patton...


Pull it together everybody.

"Patton, please, ow, ow, ow. You're hurting me," I groaned. Patton backed away quickly a little too quickly actually, and I was thrown off-balance for a moment. I took a step back, bracing an arm against the wall to keep my balence as I fought off a wave of tiredness.

Patton kept his head down as he have me some space, not looking at me. He WAS crying.

"Wow, you - um - wow," Prince said, using his hand to cover his mouth, which was certainly grinned at my outfit. He was all but jumping up and down.

"Don't get used to it," I snapped, shaking my head a little to let my bangs fall over my eyes.

"Let's not get off topic," Logic said, stepping between us. "We have matters of much greater importance to discuss."

"I beg to differ," Prince murmured under his breath, his eyes sweeping over my outfit again. "I think we can all agree that Anxiety looks absolutely adorable."

ADORABLE??! No. Just no. NOPE. I was not going to let him get away with that. Nope. Nope.

I glared darkly in response, but I didn't get a chance to respond as Patton interrupted.

"Hey, kiddo," Patton started, sounding concerned, "Are you feeling alright? Maybe you better sit down," he asked tentatively, grabbing my arm and placing another under my arm as if to prepare to carry me.

"No, I feel -" I stopped abruptly as I was hit by a strong wave of dizziness. The ground tilted sideways, and I felt the urge to hurtle everything in my stomach. I blinked, and then I was in the floor, back against the now closed closet door, with a Frowning Logan at my feet, Worried Patton on my right, and an Unreadable Prince on my left.

Loud ringing started in my ears and I winced, not being a joke to hear anything but that awful sound. I squeezed something as the pain intensified, but my vision was merely a dance of spots in my vision.

I shut my eyes and held my breath, fighting through the pain. What was happening to me?

After a minute, the pain abandoned me and I fell back into the conversation. No one had moved, but they all looked considerably more concerned than before.

"...don't understand why this would happen so suddenly," Patton was saying, meanwhile rubbing gentle, comforting circles at the base of my spine. "I mean, what triggered the panic attack in the first place? And what triggered the seizure? Was the seizure triggered by the panic attack?"

"That is incredibly rare, Morality," Logan pondered. "But not entirely out of the question. I would rather do some further research before making a formal decision."

"I can help," Patton volunteered.

"Thank you. I would greatly appreciate your assistance," Logan turned, facing Prince. "Do you have anything to add?"


Logan gently nudged Princey to the side, grabbing under my left arm. "Morality, a little assistance?" he asked, and together they carried me to Princey's bed, setting me on the bed, seeing as there was no way I could walk on my own.

I laid on the soft sheets, exhausted, not even bothering to open my eyes. Wow, I was tired. Maybe I should just take... a little... nap.

"I think we should leave Anxiety here to rest for a bit. No doubt he's exhausted, both physically and mentally. Morality and I will take care if dinner. Prince, can you please watch Anxiety? Just keep an eye on him in case of another incident like this occurs."

There was a pause in which I guess Prince nodded, but I was too tired to open my eyes and confirm, almost asleep already.

"Excellent. Also, could you make a wheelchair for Anxiety? Nothing fancy," Logan amended. "Just something to get him around through the rest of the day, as he might be a little too shaken to walk around even when he wakes up."

"Oh, um, okay."

Prince? Making a wheelchair? This was something I had to see.

"If you run into an issue, just let us..." Patton started to say, but I just couldn't stay up for another moment as I finally slipped into unconsciousness.

Not a very interesting chapter, I know, but important for the next one. Still, I hope you liked it! Next one should be up shortly!

-Max :)

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now