Chapter Twenty-Three

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I dunno why, but I feel like my writing's been very... off since I posted 21. You guys feel that way? I've been fighting with this chapter for a while now and it's not nearly how I wanted it to be... but I need to move on for now. I'll probably come back and edit this later, but for now.... *shrugs*



Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Flashback (cont.)

A loud knock came to my door and I ignored it, not intending from leaving my position on the couch.  I had just tossed all my blankets in the dryer and was now sitting in a big pile of warm blankets, to help me fall asleep with my racing thoughts.

Why would Roman kiss me?

I shoved my face in the blankets, trying hard not to over think it. He wanted something from me, but what? What did he want from me so badly that he would stoop as low as threatening to break my heart?

I knew he didn't know about my slight crush on him. Surely Roman wasn't observant enough to figure it out - he too self-centered for that - so what did he want from me? What he did want me to do for him so badly that he would do that?

The knocking at my door become more and more insistent and I sighed, waving a hand at the door, which unlocked with a simple click.

And Roman came bursting it.

I had to admit I was surprised, not at seeing him, but the state at which he was in.  A bead of sweat ran down his face, and half of his uniform had been blackened with - with soot?  Prince could hardly bear to get a mineral of dirt of his beloved uniform - what could've happened to result in this?

"Please, Anx - I need your help and we don't have much time," Roman pleaded, eyes wide and earnest.

I shoved aside the sheets, concerned - slipping right into my boots instantly.  "What's going on?" I asked, my heart rising to my throat? What had happened? Was he hurt?!

"The Sides in the Imagination are under attack, please we have to go NOW," Roman said hurriedly, pulling out a small, stick like object out of pocket, no larger than a tube of lipstick.  He raced over to the wall closest to him and draw a large lopsided rectangle (he really wasn't good at art).  The lopsided rectangle glowed when all the lines connected and the glow trailed inward, revealing a portal to the Imagination.

Honestly, I haven't been there often. 

Actually, let me rephrase that.

I've never been to the Imagination.

But something told me that the old-fashioned-right-out-of-a-traditional-fairy-tale like city wasn't usually on fire and under attack by a... large... 


"A Hell-hound - a demon from the dark part of the Imagination," Roman explained, answering my unasked question.  "Please, Anx, I need you're help. Please, please come.  I have to save them and I can't do it without you," Roman pleaded.

Well my answer was simple.

"I need a weapon," I said, setting my jaw. I couldn't leave those innocent people to burn.

"Here," Roman said handing me a thin, 2 foot, black, circular tube.

I held it in my hand limply, staring at him in confusion.  I had kinda expected... ya know, some sort of a weapon to work with - not a... what was this anyway?

Roman took it back from me, looking slightly exasperated at my confusion, but quickly explaining what he had given me.

"Wrap both hands around it and pull out," he explained, doing as he said. The tube snapped and it was suddenly a nun-chuck.

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now