Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sorry bout me dropping off the face of the Earth there for a second ;)

Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Present Day

I shut Roman's door gently as I could, not wanting to accidentally wake him and be forced to explain my sudden absence.

And then I stormed down the hallway.

Thankfully I didn't run into any other sides between Roman's room and the Commons, because I was definitely a force to be reckoned with at that particular time.

I burst into the Commons to find Logan sitting on the couch - reading some thick book with writing in it with a thin black marker - and Patton, lying on the floor watching some YouTube video on his laptop.

Patton blanched immediately at the look in my eyes and sat up, catching Logan's attention.  Logan's eyes flickered nervously across the room.

I didn't say anything right away, crossing my arms.  They already knew what was coming at them.

Logan slowly closed his book, setting it gently on the arm of the couch and Patton closed his laptop and set it down on the table, still facing me.  Both of them looked ashamed and with pity in their eyes and it was only then when I realized I was crying.

No, I'm - I'm mad at them! I'm - This is me being angry! UGh...

Patton stood up and grabbed held out a box of tissues to me, nervously.  After a moment, I snatched them away from him.  "This does not mean anything," I spat out, turning around quickly, drying my eyes.

Patton and Logan were smart enough to keep their mouths shut in return, not saying anything while I composed myself.

Once I had finished, I let them have it.

"Would either of you like to explain, the reason to find out my boyfriend had - had this COMPLEX that BOTH of you knew about and NEITHER of you felt inclined to tell me?  Something that not only endangered Roman, but THOMAS.  I'd really like to hear this one," I said bitterly, doing my best not to start crying again.

Logan shifted nervously. "I certainly understand why you are not happy with us, Anxiety," Logan started.  "But Roman wished for us not to tell you and we thought it best to abide to his wishes.  It was simply not our secret to tell, nor our place to tell you."

"Not your secret to tell?" I repeated.  "Not your secret to TELL?  Not your PLACE? Tell me Logan - when exactly would it have been your secret to tell?"

Logan looked at his shoes, not even bothering to argue against me.  "When, Logan? When Roman was DEAD? When Thomas started being affected?  When? WHEN?"

"I think you're being a little hard on him, Anxiety," Patton said quietly, stepping towards me.  " I mean... after all, who were we to tell him not to fall in love?"

"Roman falling in love is not the issue here," I snapped.  "This is not is fault, he didn't ask for this.  The issue is that I clearly wasn't aware of the dangers of Roman getting his heart broken and either of you THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY NOT TO TELL ME."

"Okay is not giving us very much credit," Logan interrupted, frowning. "Neither of us thought it was okay.  Nothing about ANY of this is okay."

"Then why didn't you say something?" I whispered. "So fine - Roman should've told me," I admitted. "But when he didn't... so you should have stepped in. Y-You should have told me. You should have warned me that this could happen."

Patton stepped in, once again. "Kiddo, ya know... we wanted to tell you-"

"Thomas's protection goes above anything else," I restated, voice dark and serious.  "Above Roman's... complex too. Not telling me not only put Roman in danger, but everyone."

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now