Chapter Twenty-Four

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Point of View: Roman, First Person
Timeline: Flashback (cont.)

Anxiety was still sleeping.

I was amazed really. I never even thought that a person could sleep for over 16 hours straight.

But naturally Anxiety had to prove me wrong.

"Are you sure that you don't need anything? An extra blanket, your pillows fluffed, some more painkillers?" Patton was saying, hands dancing over everything - at the corner of jitters and guilt.

Patton really did feel guilty about all of this - for what reason no one had any idea.  Right from when I had woken up Patton had been fussing over the both of us.  I had complained about my neck hurting a little and then Patton was stuffing pillows behind me and I was wearing a neck brace.


And Patton found out I had a concussion - I had listed all my symptoms to Logan, not realizing that Patton had been eavesdropping around the corner and now I was forbidden from doing anything at all except coloring.

I didn't mind being pampered a little, but now I was just bored out of my mind.  One can only be fussed over for so long before it starts to drive them a little crazy.  Anxiety, being asleep, left me the sole sufferer of a paranoid Patton.

I smiled as genuine as I could. "I'm perfectly fine, Patton."

"Are you absolutely sure that you don't need anything, anything at all- "

"I am FINE, Patton. And I am very, very sure."

"Just remember: I'm just a summon away."

"Which is why I'm not exactly sure why you're still standing here - I got a brand new pack of crayons, a Disney coloring book -  I'll be fine," I said, smiling.

Patton bit his lip, still hesitant to leave the two of us.

"I'll call you the second that Anxiety wakes up," I added.

Patton laughed, shaking his head. "Fine, I'll give you some space and pretend that you'll actually do that," Patton said, starting to sink out to go do something else (maybe sleep, he hadn't since slept at all since he'd found us in the Imagination - unconscious, and looking like we were on death's door step) I didn't care what - just as along as it meant he wasn't playing helicopter and hovering over the two of us like we were a pair of damaged kittens.

About twenty minutes later, I heard and noise and curiously twisted towards it.  And there was Anxiety, gently waking up.  He yawned loudly, eyes falling sleepily over his eyes when he was done.  He rubbed the side of his cheek, sleepily - blinking slowly, head tilted to the side in confusion as he tried, sleepily, to analyze his surroundings.

"Have a nice nap, Sleeping Beauty?"

Anxiety's eyes shot open at that, not realizing that that I was here. I grinned.  Anx didn't say anything at all, as his eyes widening at the sight of my neck brace and I literally see him start to hyperventilate as he started remembering.

"Take a chill pill, Annie - it's just Patton entering protective-parenting mode."

Anxiety did not appreciate the nickname.  

Anx scowled in disapproval. "Annie?"

"Did you know that Annie is a common nickname for Anxiety?  Unless you'd rather just have me call you your real name - "


"Well then, Annie - I'm sticking with it," I grinned. I would get him to cave and tell me his name at some point today.  

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now