Chapter Thirty

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Because this is the last "official" chapter,  if this bothers you, you'll have to wait until I get the chance to do an alternate ending (which will definitely happen, and soon) because I don't want anyone who is bothered by this not to be able to finish the book . I'll have it in a new book tho, not this one, called [ihaveyettogivethisbookaname].

Summary of Chapter Twenty-Nine: Roman gets up and starts thinking about how Virgil has changed him - from helping Roman battle his depression and own suicidal tendencies to literally making him a better person than he was, even since they met. Roman admits to himself that he only wants Virgil to be happy. Virgil and Roman get into another... discussion where Virgil is slowing starting to break up with Roman (due to Roman's condition, Virgil is playing martyr - needing Roman to break up with him in order to keep Roman alive). Virgil admits to not trusting Roman, because he never told Virgil about his... complex. Virgil suggest the two of them taking a bit of a break - not an actual break up, Virgil simply asks Roman to 'wait for him' with the intention of getting Roman to break up with him. Then... (hopefullythatmadeanykindasenseimrushingaahh)  


"What about your feelings, Virgil?" Virgil blinked at that, acutely surprised as if his own feelings hasn't even occurred to him. He almost looked impressed. Or maybe he was just surprised that I had thought about them. Maybe a bit of both. "Doesn't it matter how you feel?"

Virgil let out a dry laugh and I flinched at the coldness in it. "My feelings have never mattered, Prince."

"Your feelings matter to me."

Virgil went quiet at my confession.

"I've said it before," I continued, "And I'll say it again. All I ever want is for you to be happy, Virgil. You deserve someone who makes you happy."

"And if I told you that you didn't make me happy?"


My head dropped at that, falling in defeat.

"Then... I'd let you go," I answered softly.


*sighs, exhausted*

 Let's finish this book up, shall we? :)


Point of View: Virgil, First Person
Timeline: Present Day

"You're getting pretty good, Anx," Roman said with a tight smile.  "You've improved a lot since we started training regularly," he added.

Roman and I had taken to practicing more lately since the attack in the Imagination with the Hell-hound.  Roman was worried about the hell-hound could mean in the future, I could just tell, but nothing bad has happened since.

Personally, I was hoping it was a bit more of a freak accident.

Key word: hoping.

"Thanks," I muttered in response, taking a step back and avoiding eye contact.  We hadn't been talking much since our 'break.'  We trained together, but that was all.

It's been a month since I had told him that I needed time.  I was hoping that by now, Roman would completely break up with me and move on.  But the stupid prince was as patient as ever and I was getting anxious.  I was trying my best to make this as painless as possible, but if Roman was determined not to let me go, I didn't know what to do.

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now