Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Point of View: Roman, First Person
Timeline: Present Day

"What are you thinking?" I asked, tilting my head a little, trying to see his expression from behind his hood, while he sat at the end of my king-size bed, fidgeting.

Virgil had taken to never leaving my side, not allowing me to do much of anything by myself beyond taking a shower and using the bathroom.  He brought me food, sometimes talked to me, but mostly he either played his guitar or listened to music with his headphones.

I slept most the time.  I guess nearly dying can take a lot out of you.

Virgil huffed a little at the question, tugging his hood up higher, completely hiding his face from view.  "Look, Prince. I don't wanna fight with you right now."

I sat up at that.  "I've just been sitting in a coma for the past week.  You're going tell me what you're thinking," I said, arms crossing over my chest stubbornly.

"Well," Virgil said, shifting from his sitting position at the end of my bed, making his way to his feet and starting to pace - yanking his headphones down to hang around his neck. "To start with, I've been kinda driving myself up the freakin' wall - wondering why my boyfriend didn't feel inclined to mention to me that if I didn't love him, he would die."


"And I've been sitting here, wondering if my boyfriend was ever planning to tell me.  Wondering why he didn't tell me.  Have any ideas?" Virgil finished, stopping to look at me.

"I thought it would be... easier not to," I admitted, my voice low.

"That was not your decision to make, Prince," Virgil pointed an angry finger at me, suddenly furious.  "You could have died Roman!  Gosh - can you not think of yourself you just one stupid minute?!  You didn't only put yourself in danger, Prince - you put Thomas in danger; you put all of us in danger.  

"What would Thomas do without you, Roman?!  Did you ever consider that?  Thomas has already stated - more than once - that he didn't know what he would do without you.  Do you think he was just - just kidding or something?

"And all because it was easier not to?" Virgil shook his head, hands hiding in his extra long sleeves, but I didn't have to see his hands to know they were in fists.

"So fine - let's say I came clean and told you everything from the start," I argued. "What did you expect to do about it?  What did you expect me to do about it?  Just... move on with my life and never love anyone at all?" I argued, cheeks turning pink with passion.

"If that's what it took to keep Thomas and the others safe - yes!"

I let a small whimper as an unexpected ring of pain ran through me.  Tiny, in comparison, but still enough to make me flinch.

Virgil stopped at my whimper - eyes flickering with some brief emotion that I couldn't read, before making his way over to me.

He didn't say anything for a minute.  "You are going to answer everything I ask you.  And you are going to tell me everything I need to know - am I making myself clear?" he said finally, voice low.

I nodded, admittedly a bit nervous at his cold tone.

"What does it feel like?" Virgil asked, eyes dropping down to my heart before flying back up to my eyes.

I thought for a moment, trying to think of how to describe.  "It's not always the same," I admitted.  "It's depends on how severe."

"What do you consider severe?"

Why I Run {Prinxiety} - Book One of Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now