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Jughead rushed to pull on his jeans and a plaid shirt before stomping his feet into his boots and bolting downstairs to meet Seline. 

"What are you doing here?" He hissed as soon as he opened the door and was greeted with a coffee to his chest. 

"Broken record, Juggy. You know why I'm here." Seline purred, reaching out to brush a curl behind Jughead's ear.

He took the cup that was offered to him, staring down at the lid and the way his name was scribbled across it. 

"Did I...tell you where I live?" He asked lowly, glancing over her shoulder to the sleek black town car parked haphazardly for a quick exit. 

"More or less. Come on, we'll give you a ride to school." She nodded to the town car as Veronica rolled down her window. 

The raven-haired boy narrowed his eyes at the oldest Lodge daughter, "This isn't a pity thing, is it?" 

Seline scoffed, "If you think I pity you, you're surely mistaken. Come on, we'll be late." 

"I'd rather walk." Jughead mentioned as he reached back inside and grabbed his backpack. 

"I'm sure you would. Just let me kick my heels off and I'll be right there beside you." 

Jughead shut his eyes, taking in a deep breath as he stared down Seline, "Why are you doing this?" 

"Why?" Seline furrowed her brows, glancing over her shoulder to her sister watching the pair interact. She turned back to Jughead and grit her teeth, lowering her voice, "Because...I like you, okay? But don't make a big deal about it, kiddo." 

Jughead feigned a surprised gasp, putting his hand to his chest a cheeky grin spread on his lips, "You like me, huh? A Lodge girl going for some Southside boy? Stop the presses." 

Seline huffed, shutting her eyes to refrain from rolling them, "Let's just say I don't carry the Lodge name well. Might as well call me a punk." 

"Well punks don't dress like that." Jughead raised his brows as he tried his hardest to not scan Seline's attire, knowing it had to do with a leather jacket, heels and a skirt. 

"What can I say? I might not like the name, but I like the taste." 

Jughead furrowed his brows as his mouth curled, "Alright. At least you're honest." 

"So, want a ride?" 

The boy shrugged and followed Seline to the town car, only for her to hold it open as he slid in. She climbed into the car after him, wedging Jughead between her and her sister. 

"Jughead." Veronica muttered with a grin, bringing her coffee cup to her lips. 

"Veronica." Jughead responded, also stopping to take a drink of his breakfast brew. 

Seline reached forward for the driver to hand her a paper bag. She dropped it in Jughead's lap, explaining that she got pop to make him a breakfast burger. 

"With hashy fries. Honestly, if you hadn't joined us, I'd be eating it." 

Jughead opened the bag and his mouth watered at the scent that wafted into the air. 

"Thanks...Seline." He leaned over and brushed his lips to her cheek before setting his coffee cup down and tearing into his breakfast. 

As the three arrived at school, Betty stood on the stairs to the school with Archie and Kevin, wringing her backpack as she waited for Veronica to arrive. The towncar stopped before the curb and Seline jarred her door open with a polite thank you to their driver. 

She tugged Jughead out on her side of the car, shaking her head at the stain on his shirt and syrupy glaze smeared along his cheek. 

"You're lucky you're cute, kid." She muttered, unconsciously leaning in to lick a drop of glaze from the corner of Jughead's mouth. 

"God, Sels, he's not your lion cub. That's what napkins are for." Veronica grimaced, climbing out of her side of the car and firmly shutting the door behind her. 

Jughead couldn't help but stare, working up a nonchalant shrug as he mentioned, "I-I don't mind, actually." 

"See? The kid gets me." Seline stuck her tongue out to her sister and received the same notion back. 

"I'll see you for lunch?" Ronnie asked as she straightened out her dress and cradled her purse in her arm. 

"Sure." The oldest Lodge agreed, turning back to Jughead to brush away some crumbs with her thumb. 

Betty watched with her arms crossed, "I see your sister's a getting extra friendly with Juggy." 

Veronica shrugged, ascending the stairs as she stared up at her friends, "Don't you start, Betty. It's fine." 

"I think they'd be a cute couple. The Morticia and Gomez of the school." Kevin mentioned as he raised a hand to wave over. 

Seline raised her hand, wiggling her fingers as a genuine grin emerged on her lips, "I need more Kevins in my life." 

"What about me?" Jughead taunted, lining his lips together to feign a pout. 

"I'll take only one of you." Seline reached out to pat Jughead's shoulder, "I'll see you at lunch?" 


Across the lot, Cheryl raised her hand to wave at Seline. 

"Maple princess!" Seline called out as Jughead planted a quick peck to Seline's cheek. 

Her entire face lit up in a blush, turning only to watch Jughead jog away, up the stairs and into the school. 

"Was that the infamous Jughead Jones planting his lips to your face?" Cheryl lit up, catching up with the junior and linking arms with her. 

"She might be falling in with the wrong people," Betty added as Jughead passed through them, "Well, maybe not Juggy. But other people." 

Seline rested her hand on Cheryl's arm, walking with her into the school, "Please. He's an angel, my amber-locked maiden. I think you must be mistaken with his father." 

As she felt the words slip through her lips, Seline knew this wasn't going to be an easy day. 

Only Angel [FP Jones x OC]Where stories live. Discover now