Twenty Nine

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Seline hopped off of her bike in the parking lot of Pop's Diner. She adjusted FP's shirt on her shoulders then walked into the practically empty restaurant. 

With the bell ringing overhead, Pop emerged from the kitchen. 

"Hey, Pop. You got coffee ready?" Seline asked, sitting down at the main counter.

The man nodded and pulled out his notepad, "Anything else I can get for you?" 

"You remember that breakfast burger I asked for once upon a time?" With that the man nodded. Seline pointed at him, "I'll take two of those." 

The bell overhead rang again and the seat next to Seline was occupied with Fred Andrews. "I'll have whatever she's having." 

Seline smiled at the man next to her, her boot reaching out to instinctively hook onto Fred's ankle. "Hello to you too, Mr. Andrews." 

"Is that it for you two?" Pop asked with a polite grin. 

Seline nodded, then reached into her pocket to grab her family credit card. Fred chuckled and turned to stare at the Lodge daughter's profile.

"Why not take a picture, Fred? It might last a little longer." Seline slowly turned to catch her eye onto Fred. His brow was furrowed with a question on his mind. 

"What is on your mind? You'll give yourself worry lines like that," she said, raising a tentative brow at him. 

"I've heard that you're a track-jumper. And I bet you have to be with that bike out front." 

Seline leaned forward, still waiting for a question. With that, Pop returned with two cups of coffee ready to-go. 

"I'm not sure if you've heard of FP," Fred started.

"I may or may not have..." Seline interrupted, tilting her head for Fred to continue. 

"Well, do you know of him looking for work recently?" Fred asked, tapping the counter and pointing to the coffee pot when Pop came by. 

"Depends," Seline said, grinning. "What does the formidable Mr. Andrews have to offer?" 

"I might have something for him, back at the construction site. And you too, if you're willing to thumb through paperwork." 

Seline shrugged, her hand resting on Fred's knee while her boot grazed up the back of his leg. "Let me get back to you on that offer, hmm?" She leaned in, her nose grazing against Fred's before pecking his cheek. 

Pop came to the front counter with a bag of breakfast burgers and Seline stood up quickly. "Thanks Pop. See you around, Fred." 

Her hand rested to Fred's shoulder then grabbed her food and left the restaurant. 

Seline returned to FP's trailer, almost expecting FP to be out of bed, on the couch at the very least. When she opened the door, she was relieved to know that FP hadn't moved. 

She kicked off her boots and set the food on the kitchen counter as she stripped back down to his t-shirt. 

"Seline," FP called from the bedroom. "That better be you." 

Seline smiled, picking up the bag from Pop's and their coffee before walking back to the bedroom. She leaned over FP, pressed a kiss to his cheek and set their coffees aside. 

"I think you'll like what I've brought back," she said, climbing over FP and back into bed. 

"I think I will, too." FP snatched the bag from Seline's hold and set it behind him as he swung his leg over her. 

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