Thirty Two

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Seline rested on her back, staring at the ceiling until the house fell silent. Vegas peeked his head in then waddled to sleep at the foot of the bed. 

She sat up in bed, hearing the old pup snore loudly. Throwing back the comforter, Seline stood up and tiptoed out of the room then downstairs. 

The television flooded the first floor with light but no sound. She lowered herself to sit on the stairs as she glanced through to the living room where Fred was sleeping. Seline folded her hand under her chin as she stared at the man sleeping, his arm folded over the back of the couch as one of his feet was planted on the floor. 

He was sweet, but he wasn't FP. Seline had to admit that she didn't feel the same vibration inside her seeing other men as she did with FP. 

She slipped down another step then another until she was closer to the first floor. Seline crossed her arms over her knees and thought back to her almost kiss with Fred. 

She stood up slowly and tiptoed to the couch. Kneeling down to look up at Fred sleeping, Seline nudged his arm and waited for him to jolt awake. 

"Fred," she whispered as Fred lazily blinked and turned his head to her. "Can I lie down here with you?" 

Fred nodded, moving his arm to pat his chest before pulling back the blanket. Seline crawled over Fred, resting her head to his chest as he covered her back. 

She stared across Fred's chest to the television as he folded his arm over her, resting his hand on the back of her head. 

Seline woke up to Vegas lapping at her face, pushing his snout into her ear and sniffing loudly. She sleepily reached out to rest her hand between his ears as if he were an alarm clock she could snooze. 

However, it only encouraged Vegas more. Seline groaned and opened her eyes, focusing on scritching behind the dog's ear rather than the fact that she was alone on the couch. 

She looked around to see where Fred went off to. Sitting up, she noticed Archie in the kitchen with Jughead. Both of them were quiet as they ate their breakfast. 

"Hey boys," she said, swinging her feet to the floor and stretching. Seline stood up and walked into the kitchen, passing by the two teens as she swiped a piece of toast from the plate in the middle. "Where'd Fred go?" 

She pulled out a chair and reached her foot out to nudge Archie in the ankle. He grinned over his cereal and shook his head. 

"He's going to see my mom, he left early this morning." Archie nodded in the direction of the counter. "He made coffee before he left." 

Seline looked over her shoulder to the full coffee pot and cup on the counter then back at Archie. "I'm guessing he didn't leave a sidecar. You guys just walking to school?"

"Yeah," Jughead added in, his mouth full. He glared over at Archie. His smile slowly fell and he shook his head. 

"Yeah, it's supposed to be a nice day." Archie spooned another mouthful of cereal. 

Seline stood up, taking a bite of her toast. "Be that way, boys." 

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