Chapter 7

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***idk what to say here, eat your vegetables***

Me and Naruto are walking down the sidewalk, almost to Main Street, where the restaurants are. We've been walking for about 5 minutes, and Naruto still can't decide where we should eat.

"Can we go to a noodle place? Or a Sandwich shop? I don't know they both sound good." Nauto said indecisively. "Oh I know! Defiantly a noodle place, I want Ramen."

"Ok. That's the last time your changing your mind! We are going to a noodle place."

"Yay! Ramen!" Naruto said, jumping and skipping around. Geez I feel like I'm with a 9-year-old.

"Hey Sasuke! We're here!" He said running around the corner. I didn't feel like running after him again so I'm taking my sweet time. I round the corner and, he's gone. He's gone. Where did he go? I start to panic, but why? He's probably just as old as me and can handle himself.
Ok first to find Naruto, I must think like Naruto. Where would he go?

Noodle shop.

The closest one is 2 blocks down the street. I start running down the sidewalk, I just hope he's there. People are getting in my way and I'm just pushing them aside.
"Watch it!" Someone yells at me. No time to apologize, I keep running.
Why am I worrying so much about loosing him? I barely know him.

I'm finally here and I bust through the door. I scan the room looking for him, I don't see him.

"May I help you?" A waitress asks me.

"Yeah. Have you seen a boy about my age come in here? He has blonde spiky hair."

She smiled, "Yeah I just shown him to his table, here I'll take you."

She walks me to the back of the room where I see Naruto sitting at a table, anxious to get his food.

"Naruto!" I scolded. "Why the hell did you run off? I couldn't find you!"
I instantly felt bad for yelling at him, I guess I have a soft spot for him.

"I'm sorry." He said. I could see his facial expression slowly change to regret, as looked down to the floor.
"I didn't mean to make you worry."

I sat down at the table with him, in the chair right next to him.

"It's ok, we're here now." I said to comfort him, as I put my hand on his shoulder, but is it creepy to do that? I pat him and say, "I don't know about you but I'm ready to eat!"

He smiles and it brings up both of our moods.


We didn't wait long until our food arrived, but I know for Naruto it must of seemed like an eternity. He started eating immediately, and the rate he is eating his ramen is scaring me, I just started my won ton soup and he's almost done. Seeing him eat like that is kinda a turn on. I hate to say it but I think I'm starting to like him.

"Done!....Sasuke? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Shit I have to say something!

"I'm just amazed at how fast you can eat."

Nice save.

"Oh. I just really like ramen."

I laugh because damn he's cute, I'm starting to accept my feelings. "Ok, you ready for dessert? Because I want cheesecake."

"Ok! Just remember I get two slices because I won."

"That wasn't our deal!"

"Well it is now!"

"Fine." I say because I can't argue against him.

I finish my soup and order our dessert.

"Hey." Naruto said in a kinda serious tone. "Sorry if I act crazy or really sad, I ran out of my manic-depressive medicine yesterday and I'm supposed to get more in a couple of days... So you'll just have to deal with me sometimes."

I guess that explains why he seemed so depressed when I first saw him, because he was depressed. That also explaines why he got so crazy on me on the way over here. So to make him smile I say in a funny accent , "It would be my honor to deal with you."

He smiles at me again and I feel like everything is going great.

"Your cheesecake sirs." The waitress says as she sets the delicious dessert down on our table. We start eating right away, and of course Naruto finishes first, even though he had two slices.

"You didn't even taste that did you?" I say joking around with him.

"Of course I did! It was great!" He said. "Oh there is still some more on the fork." He picks up his fork and licks it once on each side, then sticks it in his mouth and pulls it out slowly. Why is this so seductive? I think he's doing it on purpose to mess with me.

"That was some good cheesecake! Did you like it Sasuke?"

Still focusing on his mouth I say, "Best cheesecake ever."

Why am I falling for him all of a sudden? Everything he does I loves, and I just want to talk to him more.

"Come on Sasuke let's go, its 8 o' clock. We have to be in our rooms at nine!"

His voice made me jump because I was so deep in my thoughts.

"Yeah let's go."

I put the money and a small tip on the table, and we leave.


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