Chapter 24

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I usually use my shower time to think and clear my head, but obviously lately that hasn't been happening. I need to hurry up rinsing off before my mind wonders, so I shut off the water and grab my towel I had laying on the wall. I wrap the towel around me and leave the shower room.

I think at this point everyone is either in the pool or in the shower so I'm the only one in the locker room. I dry off, throw my clothes on, and leave. I'm ready to have a nice day with Naruto.

I walk silently and alone back to my room where Akamaru greets me and I lay down on my bed. I pull my phone out of my pocket to check my messages and maybe go on Tumblr a bit. I have one missed text from Itachi.

Itachi: "U doin ok?" 1:16 p.m

Why did he text me then? He knew I was in class and couldn't respond. Well I guess I should respond now.

Me: "I'm fine. U don't have to check on me" now

I hope he understands and doesn't respond back. Why can't Itachi just leave me alone.

I search through my contacts so I can text Naruto, but shit I don't have his number, I'll have to ask for it next time I see him.

I lay my phone on my chest and scan the room, there's nothing else I want to do, so I guess I'll go on Tumblr.


"Sasuke? You here?" I hear Kiba say as he comes in the door.

"Yeah I'm on my bed. What took you so long?"

"I was in the last group and you need to get your ass up and go back to the Gym, you left your clothes there."

"Yeah so?" I ask.

"The teachers get pissy when you don't do your gym laundry a.s.a.p because it stinks up the place."

"Fuck do I have to now?" I complain.

"Yeah! The gym isn't going to be unlocked for much longer."

"Ok fine I'll go."

I get up off my bed and put my phone back into my pocket. I find a plastic bag to put my laundry in so I'm not parading my dirty clothes around campus.

"Are you happy now Kiba?"

"Yes Sasuke, I am happy now." He rebutted back.

I leave, walk down the hall and start heading down the stairs when I round a corner too quick and run into Shikamaru.

"Hey sorry man." I say.

"No problem, but hey you're just the guy I was looking for."

"Why?" I ask.

"Me and I couple friends are gonna be at the cafeteria at 6 for dinner, you should join us."

"Uh ok." I say a bit uneasy.


Shika starts walking up the stairs but stops and turns his head.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, don't bring Naruto."

He turns his head back forward and continues up the stairs. Why doesn't he want Naruto around? I try not to think too much about it and continue on with the duty of getting my dirty clothes.

I try to hurry up and make the five minute walk to the gym into a brisk two minute walk. I use the door on the outside of the building to get into the gym lobby instead of going through "A" building. I enter the gym and no one is here, good, maybe I can just get in and get out.

***the next chapter will be the best chapter of anything you've ever read in your life



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