Chapter 30

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***I kinda want to write a KakaNaru fanfiction because it's my guilty pleasure >~< tell me what you think and if you would read it. If I do it won't be that long, so just tell me your thoughts.***

We get back to our room and a basket of my laundry is sitting in front of the door. I really did forget my laundry, but who brought it up? I pick up the basket and bring it inside, then kick off my shoes by the door. I lay the basket on top of my dresser and start putting up my clothes. Akamaru starts barking and I turn around to see him, laying on my bed wanting me to pet him. So I stop what I'm doing to play with the small white dog. Kiba comes into the bedroom and walks directly into the bathroom, afterwards I hear the shower turn on.

That reminds me. I promised Naruto I would see him after dinner. I guess I could sneak out now while Kiba's busy.

I stand up and put Akamaru in the floor and go back to my dresser. I find a pair of old blue basketball shorts to change into. I unbutton my pants and do that weird dance you have to do when you get out of skinny jeans, and I put on my shorts. Basketball shorts are way more comfortable than skinny jeans.

I go up to the door and glance back to be sure Kiba isn't around, it's all clear so I silently open the door and go outside.

I wonder what Kiba would think if he knew about me and Naruto, he's already joked around with me about it so what would he do if he knew he was right? Would he be cool with it? I don't know, I'll ask Naruto if we should tell anyone, that is if we really are an item.

I knock on the Naruto's door, trying to be quite so Kiba can't hear it right next door. I hear the patter of footsteps and the turning of the lock. Naruto opens the door and greets me with a smile. I smile back, and I think I blushed a little but too. He grabs me by the hand and pulls me inside. I look at him he's wearing a very large tee shirt, almost down to his knees. I can't tell if he's wearing shorts or not, but I don't care he looks adorable.

"Sasuke I know exactly what we're going to do."


"We're going to watch a movie." He says as he stops me in front of the couch. "Do you like the movie 'O' brother where art tho'?"

I feel like he already knows me.

"That's one of my favorite movies." I tell him, excited to see it again for the 20th time. I could watch it thirty times and I would still love it.

"Good because we're watching it." He giggles and walks behind the couch. I turn around and under his window he has a little microwave and little fridge. He pulls out a bag of popcorn from a box laying on the same table as the microwave and puts it in.

I couldn't help but admire Naruto in the moonlight, the light reflecting off his silky blonde hair. He turns around and we make eye contact, he blushes.

"Why are you staring at me?" He said pulling down his shirt to be sure it wasn't riding up.

I look away from him shyly and hold my hands close in front of me, I don't know why he gets me so flustered.

"I don't know, I just like looking at you." I say starting to blush. He smiles back.

"Um Sasuke?" Naruto asks, he seems nervous.


"This may be a weird question, but um, are we dating? Because I just want to, um, be clear on things."

I smile and slowly start to laugh.

"Hey! Why are you laughing at me?"

I continue to giggle as I walk around the couch and wrap my arms around him. He seemed tense when I roughed him, and a bit confused at what I'm doing.

"Naruto." I say, trying to calm myself back down. "I was going to ask you the same thing!"

I felt him relax and wrap his arms around me.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." I answered.

He gripped me just a bit tighter.

"So are we?" He asked, knowing the answer. He just wanted to hear me say it.

"Yeah, yeah we are."

I hugged him tighter back and I kissed his head. He parted away from me.

"Go sit down Sasuke, I'll wait on the popcorn and you can put the movie in."

"Can do." I responded happily, and moved back in front if the TV. The DVD was sitting on top of the TV so I put it in the DVD player and switched on the TV. I sat down on the left side of the couch so I could lean on the armrest while I waited for the previews to end. I heard a beep behind me signaling the popcorn is done, and soon enough Naruto sits down right next to me with a big bowl of popcorn. He wraps his arm around mine and leans his head on my shoulder, as the movie begins.

I love being this close to him. I love that he's snuggling me. I love that we both think the same, and love the same games and movies. I just hope I can tell him that I love him one day.

***holy poop my fanfiction has a lot of reads 0-0 ***

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