Chapter 29

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***Sorry I'm not so consistent with posting >~<***

I tilt my head confused.

"My buddy Pein made this club, and everyone in the club is hard working, nice, honers students. So if someone tells the teachers that we're selling contraband, they'll think its ridiculous. Plus since all we do is help the teachers, they'll be even more on our side."

I don't know if these people are genius or insane.

"Count me in." I say.

Deidara smiles and rubs his hands together.

"I'm glad you're apart of this, and well I don't know about you but let's eat."


After all of us were done eating we went outside and started walking back towards the dorms.

I start talking to Shikamaru, "Hey Shikamaru, not to be rude but how did you get caught up with this? You just started here too."

Sasori butted in, "Oh we used to give him cigarets when he would come over here with his father, but you're father doesn't work here anymore, right Shika?"

Shikamaru let's out a deep breath, like he's tired of hearing this. "Yeah." he said.

I wouldn't really figure Shikamaru as the smoking type, and I don't think Sasori is a cowboy.

We kept walking until we was back in front of the dorm building, but at the girls entrance.

"Ok Sasuke," Deidara said. "Just me and you are gonna go in, I need you to meet somebody."

"Ok." I say unwillingly.

"If you're worried about getting caught Sasuke calm down, the security guard only comes around after curfew and the other girls here are used to seeing me come in and out."

"Whatever you say."

"Well let's go unn."

We walk straight in side and go past the stairs to the elevator. We go inside and Deidara presses the fifth floor button, I figure the girl we're meeting is a senior. I wait in the elevator, standing in the corner as I hear a beep for every floor we pass. The last beep came as the doors slid open and we went into the hall. I've noticed the girls dorm is the same as the boys but different color schemes.

"Follow me." Deidara said rounding a corner. We went right down a hall and to the end. Now we're standing in front of room 516, Deidara slowly knocks five times on the door and we immediately hear a response from a girl inside.

"Coming!" I could hear.

The girl opens the door and it looks like she just woke up from a nap. Her purple is hair in a mess and her tank top is pulled half way up her stomach. She was also wearing shorts or what looked like to be boxers, and she had some piercings too, a lip ring and her ears.
She looked us up and down, then she peeked out the door to inspect the hallway.

"Come in." She said. She opened the door and hurried us in, probably scared someone will see her having guys over.

"Have a seat if you want." She suggested.

"No." Deidara responded immediately. "Well only be here a second."

"Fine. Fine." She said.

I looked around the small room and it was filthy. Clothes and food scatter around, ash trays on the table over filled. She also had a curtain over the door into the bed room, smart, I'll give her that.

"So," She said lighting a smoke. "You're Sasuke, right?"

"Yeah, everyone seems to know my name. What's yours?" I ask.

"Konan, I'm not surprised Deidara didn't tell you, he's an ass like that some times." She said as she took another puff.

"Ah Shut the fuck up and give us what we came here for unn."

"Hey!" A mans voice said, coming from the bedroom. "Don't talk to her like that!"

Konan went to the curtain and opened it just enough to stick her head inside.

"Calm down Pein, it's just Deidara being an ass, you should be used to it."

They talked a bit more before she went completely behind the curtain, and it sounds like she is digging through her drawers, probably searching for what we came here for.

She came back out with a Olive Garden bag, did we really do all this for some takeout?

"Here's the stuff I bought, it should be enough to last the rest of the week."

Deidara takes the bag from her then hands it to me. I peek inside and see a Malburo logo. This Girl really don't give a fuck, she has men over, smokes, and sells children cigarets.

"Let's go." Deidara says pushing me out the door.

We get back in the elevator and Deidara presses the button for the ground floor. So we wait again in the elevator, but this time we stop on the third floor.

"Oh no..." Deidara mumbles to himself.

The doors open and there I see Sakura and I think Ino, waiting. Their faces brighten up as they see me in the elevator and they rush inside to talk to me.

"Oh hey Sasuke!" Saukra says.

"Yeah hey Sasuke!" Ino adds.

I should probably say something so they don't ask me why I'm in the girls dorm.

"So what are you guys up to?" I say trying to act nice them, and they blush right away probably thinking I'm flirting with them.

"Oh uh we're just going to go eat at the Cafeteria." Sakura says.

"You want to join us?" Ino adds.

The doors open to the elevator and we all walk out.

"Well maybe some other time," I say. "I just ate."

"Ok! Till next time Sasuke!" Ino says cheerfully, like she really expects me to go out with them.

"Bye Sasuke!" Sakura says as her and Ino leave through the front door giggling and smiling.

"Those girls are annoying." Deidara says staring the obvious.

"Yeah, tell me about it. At least you don't have every single class with them."

"Well keep them on your good side Sasuke. You never know when you could use a favor from them."

He's probably right. We leave the building and go right back inside but into the boys dorm. Everyone we was with is playing and intense match of air hockey in the lobby. Kiba looks up from the game to see us come in, but just as he does Shikamaru hits the puck and scores, winning the game.

Deidara and I walk over to the table and set the bag down. He goes through the bag and pulls out three plastic bags, two of them with what it appears to be two cartons, and one of the with one. Deidara hands the one bag tho Shika and the two bags with two to Kiba and Sasori. Deidara also hands out a folded piece of paper to all of us.

"That should be it." He says. "Have a goodnight fellas."

Him and Sasori get up and go to the elevator and leave. It would of been nice if they would of let us get a lift to our floor, I've been taking the stairs the whole time I've been here.

"Well come on Sasuke," Kiba says. "Lets get back to our room."

*** I know it's a bit late but have a happy good birthday Sasuke. Hope you get a lot of sticks.***

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