Chapter 23

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***What if instead of laughing we screamed and instead of screaming we laughed?***

"Attention!" Guy barks. "We'll be doing the second half of the swim test. Where you'll have to tread water for two minutes, It's pretty simple. Now! half the class line up and the other half stay on the bleachers."

I assume he's talking about the groups he talked about earlier, and that means I'll be going first.

We lined up around the pool, and waited for Guy to bark more orders.

"Now everyone get in the pool and hold on the the edge, and when I blow on the whistle let go and time starts."

I climbed down and did as he said. A few moment later Guy blew the whistle and we all let go. It's pretty easy for me just to stay in one spot, and the two minutes seem to be flying by. I look around and no one seems to be struggling.

Guy blew the whistle again signaling times up.

"Everyone in this group passed! Good job! Now get out of the pool and hit the showers, once you're done you can leave. Next group!"

I jumped out of the pool, glad this day is over. All I have to do is rinse off and go home, er- go back to my room, and possibly hangout with Naruto and ask him why the hell he can leave swimming.

I go through the door to the locker room and look for towels. I found them on a shelf near the shower room, and walked back to my locker. I put in my combination and opened it up, it fucking stinks because of my gym clothes, and I kinda lean away from the stench. Still I undress and throw my trunks into it. I pick up the towel I grabbed and wrap it around me and head into the shower room.

For such a fancy and upperclass school they sure don't care about privacy. All there is, is waist high walls in between the shower heads in a big open room. At my last school we had basically actual showers with curtains, but here half the guys are taller than the waist-high barrier.

I try not to look around too long and seem like a pervert, so I find a empty shower space and start rinsing off.

***Y u no read next chapter***

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