Chapter 34

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"Why are you bringing this up now?" Naruto asks. "Was it something I said?"

"Kinda...but it's not your fault." I mutter.

"Do you want to sit down and talk about it?" he asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah." I mumble.

We move over to the couch and Naruto moves his hand to my knee. He's waiting on me to start.

"I was only ten when my parents decided they wanted to move from here Minnesota. I've basically lived my whole life in New York State up until that point, and I was scared to move. But before we actually moved there, we was going to take a long vacation around the Great Lakes and eventually stop in Minnesota, ya know so to see if we like it there. It was going to be perfect." I started to get chocked up, my breaths turned into gasps for air, and my limbs getting shaky. "Was going to be. But it was fall and it was cold. So it started snowing while we was in our trip. That would of been fine but the roads started to get icy, and something was wrong with our car... all I could remember was my dad stepping on the brake as we rounded a turn near an intersection, when my mom turned around and said 'hold on honey, don't be scared. We're going to fix the problem. I lo-' that's when a semi truck sped a red light and hit our car. Killing my mom and Dad on impact. While my brother could drive and was in his own car, a mile ahead of us, unaware of what had happened." I paused for a breath, my eyes became too heavy and I closed them with tears rolling down my face.

"It was thirty minutes until the Michigan police arrived. And for those thirty minutes all I had to look at was red stained snow... And then when I was finally at the hospital, it took my brother 7 hours to get there. And long story short, since I had no adult relatives my neighbors adopted me because they felt sorry. Around that time was also when my brother got into the wrong crowed and ran away. Now, just a year ago he came back when he realized he inherited our house and I've been living with him since. Almost half my life he's been gone and he just wants to show back up and pretend to be the older brother I always wanted. I just-"

"Shh Sasuke, it's ok. You don't have to talk anymore." He says calmly. His voice puts me at ease as he rubs my back and I lean into arms.

"I don't know what's worse." Naruto whispers. "Seeing what happened, or not knowing at all."

***short chapter but here's some back story. And I know Sasuke wasn't ten when his parents died, but I had to make him a bit older so there wasn't such an age gap between where how old I wanted Itachi, and how old Sasuke is. And if you didn't catch it Sasuke and Naruto currently live in New York State. Not the city. The state..... Well if you have any questions feel free to ask.***

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