Chapter 25

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***how do u English***

The thought of Naruto almost naked and soaking wet turned me on, and right now I really don't want it to. But almost against my will I go to the pool entrance door that's in the locker room, and slightly open it, just enough for me to peek through.

There he is only 15 feet away. Naruto, just got out of the pool and is dripping wet, his side is facing me. I can see his whole figure. I take a deep breath and try to calm down, I don't know why he gets me so worked up. I keep staring at him because I'm finally getting a good look at his muscled body. What his he so ashamed of? Or trying to hide?

He starts to turn like he's heading back to the locker room, and I hear Guy say, "don't worry no one will be in there."

I panic and close the door. I can't leave yet I haven't got my clothes, but I can't stay! Ok, I need to calm down. I scan the room and all that's in here is the two rows of lockers, with my locker in the center aisle, and on the far side of the room is the showers and next to the showers on the wall in front of me is the gym door.

I run past the two rows and go around the corner so when Naruto comes in and goes to his locker he won't see me.

I hear the pool door open and then footsteps down the center aisle. Naruto must be going to his locker. Then I hear him undressing and grabbing a towel. He's fully naked now, and my pants get tighter with the thought. I hear his footsteps lead into the showers and him turn the water on.

I can't get my stuff now because he can easily see me, and I can't leave through the pool door because Guy might still be in there, I guess I'll have to wait. I hear him start to mumble a tune, and damn it why does everything he do perfect? I can't stand it anymore I have to look at him, even if it's just a glimpse. I crawl around the corner on the far side away from him, and look down the center aisle into the shower room. Naruto's back is facing me and he's washing his hair. The soap is dripping down his back and around his perfect butt. Dammit why am I watching this? If he knew I was looking him up like this he would kill me. Fuck, why can't I just shower with him?

I see Naruto turn the water off and grab the towel next to him, drying off his silky blonde hair, as he turned around the towel blocking is his vision. I couldn't help but look him up and down.
I turn back around the corner and think about what I just saw. Naruto was naked, no way.

I loud thud snaps me out of thoughts, it was Naruto slamming his locker shut. I listen closely to his footsteps waiting for the time when he goes around the corner so I can go around too without being seen. I wait for the right time and I shimmy around the corner without being seen or heard. That was some Assassins Creed shit right there.

I hear the door close and I walk to my locker. I don't open it I just lean my forehead against the cool metal, and think about what to do next.

***I'm not going to answer any questions you have about the story.

Deal with it.***

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