Chapter 11

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***I came in like a pokeball. All I wanted was to catch them all***

I put my boxers on and look in the mirror. I think I should start working out again, wait we have gym 3 times a week here, but still I should join the swim team. Naruto should join too, with me on his team no one will pick on him. I should tell him that toady.
I back away from the mirror so I can get dressed, I look at my pants and sweater I have to wear, they look kinda small, but I put them on anyway. I start to pull up my pants but I barely got them all the way pulled up, I couldn't button them. I try on my shit and when I lift my arms up my belly button shows, and the sleeves end at my wrists and move up from there.

I think I got the wrong box, but I got my ID so maybe they just switched the IDs, but I might as well fix my hair.


I'm ready, besides my clothes, I guess I need to got to Naruto's room and switch out. I open the door and Kiba is awake. He looks at me up and down, and bursts into laughter.

"Hey Sasuke I think you got the wrong uniform."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah it got switched with Naruto's, I'm going over there to get mine."

I grab the box and open the door. I go over to Naruto's door and was about to knock when I heard laughter. I look down the hall and see Shikamaru with a fat kid, Choji maybe? They're laughing at me. I knock on the door and flip them off until Naruto answered.

"Hey I uh-"

"Yeah uniforms, get in here." He lets me in and his room is nice! It puts mine to shame. Since he has a corner room he has more windows, and a better couch and only one bed.

"Hey Naruto before we switch, can I ask where your roommate is?"

"Oh yeah about that. Yeah I don't have one."

"How do you not have one? I thought it was required for you to have a roommate." I said, feeling confused.

"My dad, or Iruka, used to work here and he pulled some strings."

I can't believe he would say something like that. Is he that up tight that he doesn't want to room with anyone else? I have to ask before I jump to conclusions.

"Why don't you want a roommate?" I say feeling hurt.

"I can't really... and my dad doesn't want me too..." He said very hesitantly, I feel like he's hiding something from me.

"Ok fine. Don't tell me." I say being short with him. I need to get my uniforms and change then I need to bring them back and all that shit, but fuck it, I'll change right here. I grab my shirt at the bottom and pull it off with both hands.

"Sasuke! What are you doing?" Naruto asks.

I throw my shirt down in the box I brought, and bend down pulling down my pants.

"I'm changing what does it look like?"

I throw down my pants in the box too and stare at him. He's just looking back at me in the eyes a little nervous, not even checking me out. I feel a little offended.

"Uh the uniforms?" I ask.

"O-ok!" Naruto said quickly turning around and grabbing the box off of his bed. He dropped it down in front of me then turned back around. I can tell he is uncomfortable, is it because I'm sexy and he doesn't want to look embarrassed infront of me or because I'm really freeking him out. I hope the first one. I put on my pants and shirt and say, "You can look now. But I'm leaving, I'll see you in class." I say angrily, still thinking about how he pulled some bullshit to have his own room.

"Sasuke is there something you need to say to me?"

"A question. When did you become conceded?"

I glance back only showing my cold eyes. I can't believe I had feelings towards him. I pick up my box and leave. I really didn't mean to say those mean things, it's just what I felt at the moment. I should apologize to him later.

I slam the door on my way into my room.

"I see you got the right size." Kiba said.

I look away from him and open up my dresser to start unpacking.

"Is everything ok Sasuke?"

"No, I was just an asshole to Naruto and I feel bad for what I said, but I'm also upset at him, and ugh!"

"Naruto? Why are you talking to that guy?"

I turn around to look at him. "You know Naruto?"

He nodded. "Yeah, we went to middle and elementary school together. He used to be such an asshole always joking around and never taking things seriously, I think he did it just for attention."

Maybe I am right about him, but things can change from middle school.

"Oh ok." I say processing what to think.

"Well I'm going to take Akamaru to the park before school, see you in class."


I'm leaving the cafeteria to my classroom, so far I haven't seen Naruto yet. I'm waiting for him so I can apologize, I still feel really bad for what I said, like Naruto needs another reason to be depressed.

I'm almost to Kakashi's class, I hope he's in there. I go in the door and scan the room, he's not here yet. I sit in the far back corner, next to the window. I sit down and put my stuff on my desk, I look out the window thinking about Naruto, when I see something.

***dun dun dun! What will happen next? :P
Hey leave a vote if you are enjoying the story so far!***

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