🌸author's note🌸

972 38 32

Hi, friends!

Honestly, I actually can't believe that this story has around 685 reads, as well as almost 100 comments. That's actually mind blowing!

I wanted to read a Lams fanfic that was built on slight angst, such as finding out who you really are, as in your sexuality, so I wrote one without knowing how many people will actually read it.

You are never too old to discover what your sexuality is, I want to remind you that. Your sexuality is something that only you can define, but it will in fact take some time. Sometimes, the confusion and pressure will effect your social and work life, but you have to pick yourself up and remind yourself that your sexuality does not make you any less of the person you were before you started questioning. Being gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, or pansexual does not make you any less of a human being, no matter what anyone tells you. You are your own person who makes mistakes but also succeeds in so many other ways. If you are forced to spend your life being ridiculed for who you love, you must remember that you are not your sexuality. You are a living, human, breathing, and thinking person who has respectful opinions, who wants to see the good in the world, and just wants to sing Hamilton at the top of their lungs when they're home alone! In fact, you're a raging Hamilton fan who just so happens to be queer. So, what? You are still a person, no matter who you want to love.

If you feel scared to come out, or are having trouble figuring out what your sexuality is, or just who you are in general, my DMs are always open. I will give you my instagram or any other social media (such as Snapchat, Twitter, et cetera) and I am more than happy to be your friend. If you are a:

1) Nazi

2) Homophobe

3) Racist

4) Sexist (That goes for women who think men are not equal to them and vice versa)

5) Transphobe

6) Just a cunt, in general

I will not be talking to you. I'm sorry but, if you are any of those things, please unfollow me and stop reading this story.

For all of you who are supportive, thank you so much for commenting on my story! Literally, you guys don't understand how fucking ecstatic it makes me seeing all of those notifications. It actually makes me the happiest person on Earth. So please please PLEASE keep commenting on my story, constructive criticism is always welcome.

Happy gaying. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

- D

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