Alucard x Miya | Changing the future (Part 1)

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A/N: I'll be giving Miya a more human suitable age just for this story because it would be difficult to make her hundreds of years old!

Also, this story was inspired by the anime Kimi No Na Wa (Aka Your Name), so if you have watched it (Which I highly recommend doing so), you will notice that the events of it are slightly similar. Enjoy!

Alucard's pov

I was holding a bouquet freshly picked Moonlit Lilies, Miya's favorite flowers. I was attempting to confess my love to her for the fifth time this week. I got no response from her during the last four times. I don't blame her though, I haven't been very nice to her lately. But that isn't due to dislike, it was just a cover to disguise my true feelings for her.

I arrived in the Moonlit Forest, and with the moonlight shining through the trees as my guide, I reached the middle of the forest where Miya sat, peaceful and quiet without a care in the world. I approached her and sat in front of her

"Hey, Miya," I say, but she continued to sit quietly without a word. "I know we haven't been getting along lately, but I just wanted to tell you again...that I love you."

No response, I tried again. "Miya, please listen to me. Ever since the first day we met, I had a burning passion for you, it was only this year when I realised it was love. I never loved anyone after my parents died by demons. You were the first person to make my heart flutter. Please, I really love you with all my heart. Please, don't reject me again!"

Still, Miya ignored me, refusing to acknowledge my presence. I sighed and started to cry. Tears streamed down my face as I kissed the top of Miya's gravestone. Miya was dead, just like how she had been for the past five months. I can't believe I never had the guts to tell her my feelings for her. Things had happened so fast that I couldn't absorb then fast enough.

The Moonlit elves had forged a raging war against the Night elves. Tensions between them had been bigger than ever, and it had not ended well. Many were injured or killed. Miya had been one of the last few survivors with the Moon Elf King Estes fighting by her side, healing her every now and then to make sure she doesn't die. It was until they were faces against ten when Estes fled like a coward, leaving Miya on her own! She could only kill four before she was shot by a poisoned arrow in the head, it ended her life immediately.

The war eventually stopped without neither side winning, but Miya was still dead. I wanted to avenge her, so I had marched up to Estes's castle and somehow I manage to sneak it and beat the crap out of Estes before I was thrown into the dungeon. My original plan was to kill Estes, but seeing him bleeding and unconscious was good enough for me. Let the guilt of abandoning Miya torture him for the rest of his life.

I managed to break out of jail after three months there, I had been too busy grieving over Miya that I no energy to break out. But then, I had a plan. I've heard of stories about people coming back from the dead to visit their loved ones. So I figured that if I confessed my love to Miya, she may come back as a spirit to talk to me.

But so far it isn't working. Those stupid stories were just dumb old fairy tales! I flung down the bouquet of flowers and fell down to my knees. I buried my face in my hands and started to cry. Soon, my quiet crying turned into ugly inhuman sobs. I gave a yell and smashed my fist onto the floor again and again. But nothing brought Miya back to me.

After what seemed like hours of howling and grieving, I finally felt tired and collapsed to the ground. The impact caused my whole body to shock and my back hurt badly, but then I felt myself falling. Falling deeper and deeper through the ground, the moon slowly disappearing from view. I screamed as I was engulfed in darkness. Then...

Swoosh! An arrow flew above my head. I looked up and realised that it looked just like the arrows Miya used to summon with her Moonlit bow. I reached out to grab it. It burns my hands but I couldn't let go, suddenly the black space I was floating in was replaced with...

"A hospital?" I looked around in disbelief. A Moon elf doctor rushed past me, I reached out to touch his shoulder, but my hand when right through it. What is happening? I follow him as he enters a patient's ward. He closes the door in my face but I walked through it easily like a ghost. Even stranger.

In the ward I saw a young woman lying in a bed with a man by her side, holding her hand, and in her arms held an adorable newborn baby. The doctor approached them. "Excuse me, Sir, Madam," He says. "Have you decided what you are going to name your child?"

"Yes, we do," The woman smiles tiredly as she holds her baby close. "Miya, her name is Miya."

Miya? I gripped the arrow tighter as it continued to burn my hand painfully.

The hospital slowly disappears from sight and was slowly replaced by what I recognize as Miya's first home which she had showed to me once. It looked fresh and clean, not dirty and old like it had been abandoned for years.

The same young woman sat on the floor with her now toddler in front of her. "Mummy!" The toddler squeaks. "I want a bow!"

The woman nods and pulled a ribbon out of her pocket and tying it into a bow on her ponytail. "No! Not that one!" She pouted. "I want a real bow! The one I can shoot with!"

Her mother smiles gently. "Alright, Miya dear. I'll ask Daddy to make you a little bow all for yourself okay?" "Ogay!" Little Miya cheers happily.

Are...are these Miya's memories?!

The next scene involves a ten year old Miya, learning how to shoot a target with a bow and arrow. She keeps missing the bullseye and would proceed to groan in frustration. "It's okay Miya," Her father says, coaching down beside her. "Failure will only bring you a step closer to success. So calm yourself down, empty your mind and aim for the target."

Miya takes a deep breath. She pulled back the arrow, one eye squinting at the target. Twang! She releases it and it hits the centre of the target. "I did it!" She cheers, throwing her hands up in victory.

Then came a scene when Miya was about fifteen, riding through the Moonlit forest on a Moonlit horse, shooting down fruits from trees and occasionally a squirrel, but never stopping. She rode on for what seemed like miles, with me seemingly floating beside her.

She pulled back the reins of her horse, and it stopped galloping. She paused, tilting her head to the left as her elf ears twitched in concentration. Then suddenly, a moonlit rabbit darts out of the bush. Miya immediately shoots at it, hitting it straight in the eye. The rabbit falls to its side, dead. Triumphantly, Miya gets off her horse and picks up it up. "Dinner,' She says with a grin, holding her catch up in the air.

The scene changes once again. This time, Miya is about eighteen, sitting in her living room with her grandmother. "Oh Miya, why won't you agree to marry King Estes?" Her grandmother was saying. "He's such a noble gentleman, he can protect you for life! What's more, he has an obvious interest for you!"

I snorted and cursed under my breath, grateful that they can't hear me. Noble gentleman indeed.

Miya laughs. "I think of Estes as a good friend. Nothing more, nothing less," she says. "Besides," she added, a tinge of sadness in her voice. "I'm already in love with somebody else." Oh, so I wouldn't have stood a chance to be with her anyway, I thought sadly.

The scene reverts to Miya getting ready for war, with her battle armor on and her Moonlit bow in hand. "How nice, they are probably together now," she mutters under her breath, a tear rolling down her cheek. "If only I was her..."

Seriously who is this guy who broke Miya's heart? I swear I'll kill him when I find him!

Just then, Estes opens the flap of the tent. "Miya, the Night elves are approaching. We better go," He says. "Alright, It's time to fight," Miya replies.

"No Miya! Don't trust Estes! He's a coward and will betray you when you need him the most!" I try yelling to her. But she doesn't hear me, and follows Estes out of the tent.

"Miya...! No!" I scream, then my back hits something hard, and I fall into pitch black darkness, Miya's arrow falling out of my grasp.

A/N: To be continued! Leave a vote and a comment if you liked it! Also, please don't hate Estes after this! I'm sure he will never abandon his friends during a time of need!

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