Aluby | The tears you shed (04)

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A/N: Just to clear something up… this story is the replacement of the Bloodlust series. Why? Because honestly I didn't really like it to begin with -.-

On with it >



My head hurts like hell, and it wasn't from drinking because I definitely didn't help myself to any alcohol from last night’s party. I groaned as I sat up and dragged myself of the bed.

My headache lingered as I got dressed and ate a rather half hearted breakfast. As I shoved the last of buttered toast in my mouth, I turned on my phone and checked my messages.

The first message was from Kagura. I smiled slightly as I opened it.

Don't stay at home crying
over you know who.
Go outside for a bit. Empty
your mind and relax.

Huh, she knew me really well by now. If there was anyone who knew the pain of missing Ruby, it was her. She understood how hard it was from me. I sometimes cried myself silly when talking to her about my regrets, but she never judged me and promised to keep it between us.

Most of the other texts were from those who were at the party last night, asking me about why I raged. I didn't bother to answer as I was in no mood to entertain them. However I was surprised, and a little annoyed, to find that Angela had texted me too.

Did you know? Ruby was
asking about you last night!

My heart rate started picking up as I replied:


Yes really! She was
asking where you were
after you left.

She was looking for me?


I rolled my eyes. I could literally imagine her talking really quickly in that silly enthusiastic voice of hers. But my mind was racing at the thought of Ruby wanting to talk again.

What did she want to
talk about?

Dunno. Well, I did ask her why
she wanted to see you.
She blew me off then.
Snobbish thing.

Don't you dare call her a snob,
or I will murder you.

Way to get defensive
there. You like her,
don't you?

My face contorts as I realised that I had fallen into her trap. I was about to object but she continued saying:

I noticed things, Alucard.
For ten years she was all
you could ever talk about.
Whenever somebody brought
up her name you would get
all jumpy and nervous. You
miss her more than you miss
your ex, Miya. And didn't you
supposedly love her for months?

It's not like that!

Last night was clear proof.
I saw everything. You hid
when you saw her. And
when I brought up the issue
of you and her, you were
ready to beat me up
unconscious.  You even left
because you weren't ready
to face her. You could have
merely apologised to her like
a man.

You bitch!

There's no denying
that our Alu has a little
crush on Ruby~

I slammed my phone onto the table, not wanting to listen to her taunt me anymore. Until now, I had always considered Angela as a silly and light headed doll, who wouldn't pose a threat to anyone. But now, I realised how extremely clever and sly she was, leaking information from me without me even noticing it…

Kagura was right, I needed a walk right now. I had to think really hard on something.

Am I really catching feelings for Ruby?


A/N: Don't be mad! I know it's the fourth chapter and we haven't even gotten to Ruby and Alu talking to each other yet. But all these little details are important to build up to the story. Trust me, it will be boring and confusing without them.

I can't believe I updated three days in a row! No promises I can update tomorrow? but I will try <3

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