Chatroom | Alu and his girls

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A/N: (I had to redo this all over again but yeah)

This is my very first chat room so I apologize in advance if it's not very good. People will be mentioned, references will be made and the fourth wall will be broken. Enjoy!


Layla added Ruby, Alice, Miya, Rafaela, and Kagura

Rafaela: Um...what is this?

Miya: The hell I'm in the middle of training here.

Layla: This chatroom is to finally decide who is going to be the one that dates Alu, and it's obviously going to be me.

Ruby: *cough cough* As if.

Alice: I'm disgusted by you Layla. First you are obsessed over Clint, and now you want to date Alucard.

Layla: I'm over Clint! Anyway I've moved on a long time ago.

Alice: Long time ago equals to two days ago. Slut proven.

Ruby: Says the one who seduces every man she comes across.

Alice: Why you little piece of...!

Rafaela: Guys please don't fight.

Miya: I can't even train in peace with all your bickering!

Alice: Layla, you forgot to add someone.

Layla: Really? Who?

Alice added Zilong to the chat

Miya: I can hear Yaoi fans screaming in the distance.

Zilong: Why am I here???!!!

Rafaela: To compete for Alucard apparently.

Zilong: What??!!! But I'm not even gay! ////////

Silvesta_chan joined the chat

Silvesta: A lot of people object to this.

Layla: Who added you here???!!!

Silvesta: No one did, I joined myself. I am the author after all.

Alice: So who objects?

Silvesta_chan added Zilong_Gamer to the chat

Matt: Did someone say Yaoi??!!

Miya: I did...? Why?

Matt: *Fanboy screams*

Silvesta: He ships Zilong and Alu *whispers* and even made them do it a bunch of times.

Zilong: WHAAAAATTTT???!!!! /////

Silvesta: We need to set up those two next time.

Matt: *nosebleeds* Definitely.

Kagura: I don't think I'm supposed to be here. I don't love Alucard, my heart belongs to Haya.

Rafaela: Sweetie, I don't think you should keep holding on to Hayabusa. He hasn't contacted you for the past eight years, so don't you think it's time to move on?

Silvesta: Huh? That isn't how the story goes!

Layla: Kagura, I added you here because in reality some people do ship you with Alu.

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