Special | Dear sister

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A/N: Hello everyone! I am happy to announce that it’s ggeznoob's birthday today! To celebrate this, I have put together a little short story dedicated to her. Featuring the two famous sisters from ML, Miya and Nana!

Dear sister, I hope you will like this :3


Miya’s Pov  

I wish I could turn back the clock. It had all happened so fast, that I felt like I had missed the entire movie. If I could turn back time, Nana would still be little, dependent on her older sister, but instead she was leaving for college. She looked painfully adult, with a large suitcase containing her belongings and her boomerang under her arm. She had even insisted in applying for a school overseas. I had been against the idea, but she did it anyway, and had gotten in, much to her delight. Unlike me, she was excited to go, and not the least worried about being on her own.

But then again, she wouldn’t be alone. She would have a roommate and plenty of people to socialise with. She may even find herself a boyfriend and eventually move off to get married with him. And what about me? I would be living in this old house forever, empty without her presence to fill the walls. I tried not to let my sadness show, and to feel happy for her. Over the years she had a grown a great deal in height, trading her baggy pants for skinny jeans and choosing to let her now long hair down instead of tying them into twintails. She had  even started to wear a little eyeliner. She had grown more mature while maintaining her cheerful and childish nature. Nana wasn’t a little girl anymore. She was a strong, beautiful and independent woman, and she didn’t need me around anymore.

All through the flight and drive there she was in high spirits, chatting away happily about her hopes for the future, while I remained quiet, happy enough to listen to her and enjoy her company. The journey was a relaxing one, but as we started to near the front gates of Mobile Legends University, I started to tense up.

I parked the car, and I followed her to get checked in. She got her room and dorm assignment from the orientation desk, and we headed over to one of the east buildings, which was where her room was located. The girl assigned to be her roommate was an elf named Lolita, and she had not arrived yet when we got there. I worked on setting up her computer while she hung her clothes up in the wardrobe provided. I still had not voiced out my true feelings about having to leave her. I didn’t want to dampen the mood, this was an important day of Nana, I didn’t want to get in her way. But still, it would be good to tell her how much I would miss when I returned home. I opened my mouth to say this, but at the moment her roommate entered the room.

Lolita was small in size, and slightly taller than Nana. I was startled to see her carrying a large hammer, which she placed down next to her. Both girls eyed each other suspiciously for a minute before bursting into laughter, and hit off immediately. I was relieved to see them getting along well, at least I would have to worry about one less thing. I hung around for awhile longer, talking pleasantly to Lolita’s adopted mother, Natalia, who was a woman in her thirties. She was impressed at my story of how I found Nana, and she shared that she had found her adopted Lolita after her entire village had been killed in an attack.

By seven, the girls were all set, and were clearly ready for us the make a discreet exit and leave them to the excitement of their new lives. “They are still so full of energy,” Natalia chuckled, shaking her head. “Guess this is our cue that we are no longer needed.” “Yeah,” I nodded, feeling a grip in my chest. With all the courage I could master I left the building without breaking down into tears. I held them back through the flight back, staring blankly into space the whole time. I had never felt so empty in my life.

It was past ten when I finally returned to the house. Just as I entered through the front door, I noticed that Nana had forgotten to turn off her room lights before she left. With a small smile, I trudged over to switch it off. I then realised, that she may never sleep in this room again. The silence in the house was deafening, and with that I let out the tears that I had been choking back for months.


I couldn't sleep, and it wasn't surprising. I wondered if I could ever sleep again. For the thousandth time I worried about Nana. I knew I shouldn't worry so much, she is grown up after all…

The sudden vibration of my phone on the bedside table caused me to jump. I laid there for a while, it was probably a wrong number. Nobody ever called me at this time of the night. I didn't want to answer it, I was in no mood to. But the ringing didn't stop even after a few minutes, and my curiosity got the better of me. I picked up the phone.

“Hello?” My voice sounded ghostly.

“Sis? It's Nana, I'm glad you're still awake.” My heart rate immediately picked up upon hearing her voice. “Why are you calling?” I asked.

“Why did you leave so suddenly? I didn't get to say goodbye to you, did I do something wrong?” I could hear the hurt in her voice, which shocked me. I had assumed that I was not needed anymore that she had settled in, but it looks like I was wrong. Guiltily, I answered truthfully, “I thought you didn't need me.”

“What? Of course I do! You are my sister,” she said. “Sis, please don't ever scare me again like that!” Then quietly, she added, “I’m really going to miss you.”

“I already miss you too, the house is like a tomb without you.”

“I'll be back during the holidays sis! In the meantime, I will call you everyday to give you updates.”

“Nana, you don't have to.”

“But I want to.”

It was like a moment of realisation of me. I was a part of Nana as much as she eqs a part of me. How could I ever think that she would forget me? And what was I thinking, leaving her without saying goodbye? Tears welled up in my eyes. “I love you, little sis. I always have.”

“I love you too, Miya. Good night!”

“Good night!” I hung up, and this time I was able to fall asleep peacefully.

My little sister...no matter what happens, nothing will ever drive us apart. I promise, that whatever the future holds, I will always be there by your side.


Dear GG sis,

You have no idea how grateful I am to you. I never had siblings, so having you as a big sister is one of the best things that ever happened to me. You have helped me so much over the months, being there when I needed someone the most. This story was written for you, I hope you'll like it. I love you sis, and happy birthday once again!

~Silvesta <3

A/N: Everyone, I will be truly grateful if you all express your wishes to GG as well! Thank you for reading this, and I hope you all have a good day!

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