Aluby | Bloodlust Chap 4: Blacklist

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A/N: Why do I feel like I haven't updated this in forever? Oh well XD

Here you go :3


Ruby's Pov

The other players, also my rivals. All of us have our eyes on the prize, and only one can emerge victorious. I kept my eyes sharp as I looked around the ever crowded school campus, looking for potential rivals. Of course, I had to only look out for the big fish, the small fry wouldn't matter much.


"Hey! Watch where you're going!" I looked up to see a girl with bright purple skin glaring down at me. She takes a step back, her large breasts moving up and down as she did so. "Sorry," I said meekly, eyeing her carefully. If I'm not wrong, guys are attracted to large breasts for whatever reason. I looked down at my own non-existent breasts with a frown. Would she post a threat?

"What's your name?" I asked out of the blue, and she was obviously surprised. "It's Karina. Beat it, kid," She snapped before leaving, her breasts continuing to bounce along with her slightest movement.


Class, boring as usual. Even the usually attentive Kagura had drifting off from the lesson, her eyes staring dreamily into space. Probably thinking of Hayabusa. I thought, with a tinge of envy. How lucky she was to find her soulmate. I had considered her a rival before, but now she was my best friend.

A few rows down sat Miya, who was playing with her eraser. At one point it bounced right off the edge and rolled onto the ground, and she bent down to retrieve it.

I thought about what she had said earlier that morning. "Better watch your back, Alucard is mine," She had said. I'm sure sure she wouldn't go easy on anyone who stands in her way. She was a tough opponent, and I had to be careful around her.

And there was Layla, who had failed in asking him out. I hated to admit it, but she was actually a pretty nice person. She had a cheerful and kind personality, and compared to the bright smile she always wore, my face looked like a thundercloud, and my scowl could scare off a pack of wolves.

Also Zilong, the little gay piece of shit. Doesn't mean that he's Alu's best friend means he can get so close to him like that! He seemed fragile enough though, all I have to do is to say a word and he crumples.

"...Ms Ruby, would you like to tell us the answer to this question?" I snapped out of my daze when I heard my name being called. The teacher, a woman named Ms Alice, stroded over to my desk and leaned over it. I sweated nervously as her large breasts were shoved against my face. "Uh...the answer is twenty six," I stammered, feeling grateful for having studied the textbook earlier.

"That is correct," Ms Alice removed her chest from my face and strutted back to her own desk. I stuck out my tongue in disgust, and I hear Kagura sniffling a giggle from next to me. What a real slut, I should add her to my list too.

"Psst!" Kagura quietly passed a note to me, and I opened it. Ms Alice is really gross, isn't she?

I wrote back: Amazing. Is that woman still single? I can see why, who would want someone as disgusting as her?

I heard she's married, but I'm not sure if it's true. But she treats all her students like that. Apparently she thinks that big boobs would help us in our learning.

Eww wtf. Is she mentally unstable or what?!

Ikr??!! I heard she even tried to seduce Alucard into handing in his homework the other day!

I breathed in sharply, almost crushing the note into a paper ball. She trying to seduce my Alu?

I soon noticed, that Ms Alice is not the only one who may be interested in Alucard. The biology teacher, Ms Rafaela, had a taste for calling her students names like 'lamb' and 'dear'. Alucard in particular, she often treated him like a little kid. And then there was Mr Estes, the math teacher. If being an awkward potato wasn't enough, he had to act all flustered and embarrassed when talking to his students, especially Alu.

At the end of the day, I had my blacklist all put together.





Ms Alice.

Ms Rafaela.

Mr Estes.

They are all going down. One by one, until Alu is left all for me.


A/N: *takes a deep breath*


Don't touch my Zilong, Alu :P

(The following is rant so you can skip it if ya want)

So I decided to play ML again today. After so long I thought it would be great to enjoy it all over again. But this was what happened:

Game 1: With ggeznoob and vanilla_notebook

I was playing as Irithel, and when the game started I was just chillin in a bush and waiting for the jungle monsters to spawn. And then.


Like wtf??!! All five!! And they kept trolling us throughout the game and so we lost.

Game 2: With GG, Soph, CeylliJess and Theoriginalgelly.

I can't rmb what happened exactly but the lag was real and for some reason we surrendered.

Game 3: With Cey my bae and Gelly.

I meant to add GG and Soph too, but then I a c c i d e n t a l l y invited my real life friend instead, who added his friend before I could stop him.

So obviously Cey and Gelly were confused, and the two guys were also confused. Calvin was like "Who are those people??!!" And do you know what Owen flipping said??!!

"Hi Wei Shan"

And me? I wanted to scream:


Silvesta exposed for the 1000000000000 time. Seriously, you people know my face, my voice, which country I live, and now my real name. *Sighs heavily*

If that wasn't bad enough I selected Layla for that game but instead Clint appeared!! And idk how to Clint!!! After that my internet went weird and I got disconnected and couldn't go back.

What a great day I had -.-

Plus someone asked: "How many guy friends do you have?!" Idk? Most of my friends are guys, girls irl don't understand me XD Boys are heaven's gift to us females.

At least I got my first song for the programme down :P Thanks Cey for being there to help meh! And also to the discord chat for sharing their opinions on it with me.

Silvie out <3

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