我回来了 ! ! !

629 28 42

*sees a bunch of confused faces staring at me*

Oh, that means I am back, basically.

Technically, I will only start uploading again after my exams, which will be around this Friday onwards.

Yep, I'm staying. Deal with it :)


First up, Aaliy22ah tagged me for a Never have I ever sort of game, ML styled! Let's go!

Never have I ever played with Zilong or Layla before.

Yep. Layla used to be my main. And there was this one point of time I was obsessed with playing Zi.

Never have I ever went to the base/spawn point in brawl mode to heal but finally realise that it doesn't work.

Not exactly, I always kept in mind that you couldn't heal in brawl, but I sometimes go there for no apparent reason when my hp is super low.

Never have I ever said “Well played” or “GG” to my team or the enemy.

In every game I play.

Never have I ever called my team ‘nub’, ‘noob’, ‘idiot’, ‘bad’ or ‘stupid’ in the chat.

Nope, I will never ever trash talk my teammates! But I do often scold myself and I swear after I keep dying. Then they would tell me to chill.

Never have I ever made fanart.

Of course I have, even though they suck. My first fanart was of Miya, and if you have been with me long enough you would have seen it before (in the first version of this book, this one is the third).

Never have I ever wrote a fanfic.

Em...yes of course I have. Isn't it the purpose of this book XD For those who didn't know my first ML fanfic was a high school au, and it was quite popular at that point of time but I deleted it later. Speaking of which I promised my sis I would rewrite it...shoot.

Never have I hummed along with the background music.

Y e s.

Never have I ever gotten a Savage/Pentakill.

...you know what? I haven't gotten one on my main account! Because they always get stolen! The last time it happened was when I was using Karrie but stupid Lesley and her stupid ultimate reached the last enemy before I could. And I reported her for this!

Never have I ever received a skin from somebody before.

Never, because I always refuse when someone offers to send me one.

Never have I ever used a quote from ML in a real life conversation before.

Yes XD Nowadays I keep saying “Pay back time”. Especially when my classmates tickle me and then I start tickling them back.

Never have I ever cosplayed/dressed up as one of the heroes before.

I wish! I don't have the resources for that (and also because most of the female heroes dress quite revealingly). But lately I stopped parting my bangs in the centre and pushed them to one side. They happen to be chin length, so with my ponytail they kinda resemble Miya’s. It's something at least, but I have a long way to go before I can look pretty like her *sob*

Never have I ever gotten an MVP as a support hero.

Yep! Rafaela, Estes, Lolita and Nana. I remember once I had 20 kills and no deaths with Nana during brawl, and in one classic game all my teammates died at least 7 times, but as Lolita I died 0 times XD That was before her rework and I miss those times…

Never have I ever played ML in school.

Everyday! With all my guy friends and I'm the only girl lol. Feels great to have all their attention I swear <3

Never have I ever trolled in the game.

Omg yes, I think we all abused Grock’s wall before. Then there is Diggie’s egg and I like to just run around the enemies and do weird dances around them XD

Never have I ever had a crush on any hero.

No I haven't O/ / / / /O

I think that's it, thank you for including me in this, so it's my turn to tag now :)


Fluffy sis I can't find your usr so please if you are reading this I tag you too!






I'm crying...no joke...

I really want to do something special to celebrate this but I have no ideas. Some help people?


That's all for now...I think. I'm a forgetful person lmao.

Thank you again for all the love and support, and keep shining my friends <3

(Yes this was kind of rushed becuase I have exams XD)

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