Miya x Alucard | Changing the future (BONUS CHAPTER)

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A/N: This is a bonus chapter that takes place after the end of Miya and Alucard's story, so you better be thanking me! Enjoy!

Alucard's Pov

Miya sat on the bench, reading a book while her other hand rested on her ever growing tummy. I stood beside her as I watched our kids play. The six year old girl with pointed ears just like Miya's running through the flowers while her little brother, whose blonde hair matched mine, struggled to keep up with her due to his short, plumb legs. But I doubted not, that in a year or two, he would grow stronger, and have no problem in keeping up with his sister.

It has been about ten years since the war. Miya had led the remaining Moonlit elves back to the village to settle in. There had been a lot to do. Allocating new houses, trying to find a new ruler, and so on. The moonlit elves originally wanted Miya to become queen, as they had believed that she was to be queen anyway. She had turned down the offer, and in the end, Estes's cousin, a young elf maiden, was elected. She was now ruling things smoothly, and all has been well since.

Speaking of Estes, we had found his dead body at the bottom of a ravine. It was believed that he had taken the jump of the cliff; it was highly impossible for him to have ran half a mile from the war and fall of it by accident. Although his body was no more than a pile of bones, his scroll of healing spells were still firmly intact. We later handed it over to the angel of healing, Rafaela, for safe keeping, and she had promised to make good use of it.

Miya, who had been angry at Estes for betraying her, had been too overwhelmed by all that was happening to remain mad at him. She had cried a good deal during his funeral, and she would visit his grave, but only sometimes. On the other hand, she visited Karina's 'grave' almost every single day. In the mornings she would wake up at dawn to travel back to the war site, where the bodies had all been buried with time. She would then go to the spot where Karina had died, and 'talk' to her silently. Often, she came back with tears in her eyes. But sometimes she would completely break down and I have to comfort her. What puzzles me is why she would still feel so guilty about her death, but she wouldn't open up to me about it.

Miya and I were now married with two kids and expecting a third child, which was to be a girl. We had moved into a pretty little house in a quiet corner of the Moonlit village, and I had been the happiest father since. Our daughter had taken an interest in demon hunting, and I promised to take her on my missions in the future, while our son had begged Miya to teach him archery. While our third child...we will have to wait and see.

"Alu," Miya said softly, putting down her book. "Yes, dear?" I asked, crouching down and leaning my head on her tummy, listening out for little baby kicks. "I was thinking," she said. "I know it's still a few months early, but can we talk about what to name our little girl?"

"Of course," I ran my hand along her tummy until I felt something. I gave a small cry of delight, kissing that spot with a smile. My child, alive and well, was going to be the most beautiful girl in the world, I swear. "What do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking...I want to name her...Karina," Miya hesitantly said. I paused. "Why?" I ask her gently. "Is there something about Karina's death bothering you?"

Miya sighed, and I could already see tears threatening to spill out. "Alu, I'm sorry I never told you this but...Karina, when we were younger, she...she loved me."

I nodded. "You loved her too."

"That's not what I meant. She loved me that way," She shook her head and sighed in frustration. "But I rejected her. Hard. That ruined our friendship forever." She let out a small sob, burying her face into her hands.

"Miya..." I felt unsure of what to say, so I just took her hand and held it what I hoped was a comforting way. When she had calmed down a little. "Miya, it was still wrong of her to start the war. You rejecting her aren't to blame."

"But I could have prevented it, if I had let her down gently. But I didn't, I was rash. I even called her disgusting for liking a girl," Miya sniffed sadly. "It's still my fault, no matter what she has done."

"Miya," I said. "Stop blaming yourself. Even if you insist that it was partially your fault, there isn't any use moping over it. Do you think this is what Karina would have wanted?"

"Karina is dead!" Miya screamed suddenly, and I jumped back in shock. "Karina is dead! Do you there is anything I can do to bring her back? No! Because she's gone! Dead!" And with that she broke down again.

I thought carefully, turning over my shoulder to see if our kids had heard her screaming. Apparently they had, and they looked a little scared to see their mother crying, with our son sucking his thumb anxiously. I smiled at them reassuringly, then turned back to her.

"Miya, don't you remember what Karina's last words were?" I reminded her, laying my hand on her shoulder. "She told you to stop crying. She wanted you to kill her with a smile. And I'm very sure, that if she was here right now, she would have wanted you to be happy."

Miya lifts her head, slowly but surely. "You are right. And I'm happy, now that I have you and our kids. You are right, she definitely would have wanted this." She leans in to kiss me, and when we break apart, she wipes the remaining tears from her eyes. "Who knows," She added with a smile. "We could even raise her to be an skilled assassin like Karina."

A/N: Hoped you liked it! This chapter was specially made for my amazing friend eunnymint. Stay cool girl! Check out her stories as well, we'll both be deeply appreciated if you do!

See ya all,

Silvesta_chan <3

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