Karina x Miya | Role Swap AU (Part 1)

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A/N: Hi everyone! Silvesta_chan here. First of all, yes yes I know I've been putting a lot of my ship stories on hold. But I assure you that I AM working hard on them. So when I eventually release them, I hope you won't be disappointed.

So I had ideas for role swaps for a while. Heroes that are polar opposites, are mentioned in each other's stories, or simply because it seems right. Some others that I have in mind are Rafaela and Argus, Odette and Lancelot, Alice and Vexana, and a bunch more. But today, it will be Karina and Miya!

Enjoy ;)

Karina's Pov

"My king," I greeted, bowing before Estes. "Karina, there is no need to be so formal," Estes laughs and shakes his head. "Come on in."

I smile and took a seat next to it, placing my Moonlit blades aside. "So how was training practice?" He asks. "Fine," I told him. "The soldiers were doing well when I checked in on them. They should be well prepared just in case the Night elves strike anytime."

Estes sighed. "Those Night elves, so ruthless and unreasonable. I don't understand why they would have a problem with us Moonlit elves."

"Probably because we are so different?" I suggested. I thought about Miya, the most talented warrior of the Night Elves. She could hit you and let you die in a mile away with her Night bow. She was merciless, and one definitely could not run from her arrow.


Not needing to say anything. I rushed to the window and found an arrow stuck to the windowsill. A note was attached on the arrow, and I opened it. My heart racing when I read the cursive handwriting:


Come to the borderline between the Night and Moonlit forest. We shall settle things there.


I felt a stab of admiration for Miya. The Night Kingdom was a couple of miles away from here, but yet, with her sharp eyes and precise calculations, she still able to fire the arrow right at Estes's window. She even knew when I would be coming to see Estes. I wondered how she knew so much about me, while I felt like a barely knew her now. It made me blush a little to think about it.

"Miya again?" Estes questioned, peering over my shoulder to read the note. "Hmm, will you be meeting her later? She didn't exactly state what time for you to go."

"I think I should go now," I said, carefully folding the note and tucking it in between my breasts. "She may have sent the note to ask me to come immediately, and she could be waiting there now."

"As you wish then," Estes replied. "But do be careful, my friend. Your safety is my number one concern, and I do not want her to hurt you."

"My pleasure, my king. I will be fine, don't worry" I reassured him, bowing to him one more time before I left.


I arrived at the meeting place, but Miya was nowhere to be seen. I gave a small huff of impatience, leaning against one of the trees. I took the chance to take a good look at the Night forest, just a few feet from where I was standing. Here, the Moonlit forest was brightly lit with Moonlight, with soft hums and sounds of nature. While on the other side, the Night forest was dark, with small glows of light in the darkest corners which added to the mysterious feeling about it.

I walked forward a few steps until I was just standing behind the borderline, a line made visible from the two forests' grass, dark and light. I knew the Night elves weren't evil, but since they were born into a world of darkness, it casted a gloom on and twists their personalities. They were born killers, and most of them were assassins. They may appear to be evil, but they often offered their services to those of other races. I remembered that Miya once said that she believed that there was justice aside evil in the world, that definitely shows that she isn't a bad person at heart.

My heart ached to think of the past friendship that we had. As kids, we were the best of friends, and I knew her better than I had known anyone else, but some bad things happened and we were torn apart, and our friendship came to an abrupt end. From then on, during the few times I had crossed paths with her, she had acted like she didn't know me, but her eyes, however, were as unforgiving as a snake's. She hated me, that was for sure, but I didn't feel the same way. I missed her, and in fact, I was craving the friendship we once had. That is why, I was so willing to meet her here in the first place.


I whip my head around to see Miya standing among the trees. She looked no different from when I last saw her, long willowy ponytail with bangs covering one eye, her purple skin seeming to glow against her dark surroundings. In her hand held her famous Night bow. I could feel my eyes starting to turn watery at the sight of her. "Miya..."

"Don't start your cheesy lines," She cut me off, taking me aback. "We are here for a negotiation, not some reunion from a storybook."

"Fine!" I cross my arms over my chest, feeling deeply offended. After all this time, she can't even afford to be nice? "What do you want from us?"

"Us?" For one second she looked genuinely confused. "Us Moonlit elves. What do the Night elves want?" I questioned, glaring at her.

Miya laughs mockingly. "I don't want anything from 'us' as you put it," she said, her lips curling into a cunning smile. "If I had wanted the 'us', I would have called Estes instead, not some common Moonlit elf like you."

"Just tell me what you want, Miya," I growled through gritted teeth. "Well," She leaned against a tree casually as she said it. "I want information about where the Moonlit Fountain is located. And I know that you, old friend, are the only one that can cooperate with me."

I gasp. The Moonlit fountain, was the source of life to the Moonlit race. One careless touch on it and we would be doomed. "Of course I won't tell you about that!" I snapped. "What makes you think I would?"

"If I told everyone about your dirty little secrets, would you still refuse?" Miya fired back. "Don't forget," She added slyly. "I know about the little crush you have on me."

"I don't!' I protested quickly. I scowled. "A few dirty secrets wouldn't be worth the safety of my race. So keep dreaming on, I will never tell you." However, I couldn't stop my face from heating up rapidly at her words, and my blush is probably very obvious against my pale skin. How could she still remember? I thought that she would have forgotten, after all it was so long ago.

Miya sighs. "Oh well, just as I thought I could accept your feelings." She shook her head in mock despair. "Look here, Karina. I am willing to make a deal with you. If you provide me whatever information I need, I will give you what your dirty little mind wants." She smiles in a sort of seductive manner. "Does that not sound like a good deal to you?"

I think I was at a loss of words, for all I could do was stare at Miya with my mouth hanging open like a goldfish. "I'll give you a few days to think about it, I'll be waiting then." She gives me a small wave, and then she was gone.

I glared after the spot she had been standing at before I turned to leave myself, but I couldn't help but smile a little as I thought about what she had promised.

A/N: ...what did I just write? Omg my Yuri heart is probably trying to take over my Yaoi heart now XD But anyways this was just a random piece of crap that author chan pulled from her mind when she is supposed to be packing. I probably won't continue this, but should I? I'm wondering what Karina would choose, to protect her own race, or follow her heart?

I know this is not the first time I'm writing a sort of Miya x Karina story. I don't ship it yet, but I kinda like the idea, so I may work on it further. But that's all for now! See you all next time!

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