Short Story | Artificial Intelligence (Part 1)

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A/N: Okay, before I start, I'm going to beg of all of you to kindly refrain from hating on this. I have chosen Harla for this ship, so if you don’t like it, please don’t read this. But if you ask me, I kinda ship it.

Not the official backstories.


Harley’s Pov

“Getting a girlfriend is absolutely impossible!” I complained as Lesley sat on her bed, completely engrossed with her phone. “Girls are just so hard to understand. No matter how hard I try I can never seem to please them!”

“Yeah, that's great,” she said monotonously without looking up, and I let out an exasperated sigh. “Sis, this is serious. I'm already sixteen and with no girlfriend!”

“What about those other girls you dated?”

I bit my lip, thinking about my past relationships with Lolita and Nana. “They said I didn't understand them.”

“Maybe you should start learn from Gusion. Seriously, he's the best boyfriend anyone could ask for,” she suggested. “Or maybe,” she smiled slyly. “You could try going with Cyclops.”

“Ew no! I'm not gay!”

“What about Diggie!”

“I told you, I am not into boys!


Layla eyed me for a few seconds before saying, “Let me get this straight. Basically, you want to know how to get a girlfriend ASAP.”

“I need one right now!” Since Lesley hasn't been of much help with the love advice, I decided to turn to the malefic gunner for help. She had gotten married at twenty, and I wanted to know her secret in finding love fast.

She rolled her eyes. “Harls. Love doesn't work like that. Love takes time…”

“I know,” I said impatiently. “But taking time to build a relationship with someone… would just be forever. Besides,” I admitted. “I don't think I would be able to.” I saw her raise an eyebrow, and I went on to explain. “Life is not like the movies, where you can find a soulmate you can understand and shares the same interests as you. None of the girls I have ever met are interested in the same stuff as me, and they always laugh at me for them.”

“Hmm…” She scratched her chin thoughtfully, appearing to be deep in thought. “It seems that you have a problem getting along with real girls.”

“Real? As opposed to a fake one?” I frowned, confused. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Yes it does.” Layla sat up suddenly. She started rummaging through her bag until she pulled out her notebook. She flipped to a page that was full of scribbles. I leaned over to take a look, next to a bunch of notes she had written was a sketch of a skull like figure.

“I’ve been working on something recently,” she was saying. “Lately I’ve seen reports of A.I.”

“What is that?”

“Artificial intelligence. I don’t think you want to hear me talk about it all day, so I will explain quickly. Some countries like Japan have been doing in-depth research on humanoids. Some of which are really cool. Seriously, they can do stuff like cook and take care of elderly. You got to agree on me on this one.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard,” I nodded. “But what does this have to do with my problem.” She grinned at me mischievously, and I gasped. “You can’t be serious…!”

“I think you could use an A.I. for a lover.”


“This is really crazy.”

“How so?”

I shook my head as she pulled on her lab coat and pulled down her goggles. “Can you even build this thing?”

“Sure I can.” As much as I had my doubts, I wouldn’t underestimate Layla. She had inherited her father’s love for inventing, and had came up with many brilliant gadgets that had helped improve the lives of those around her. It was one thing I admired about her. She never created anything just to impress people. Her one focus was to help people, and by trying to build an A.I. humanoid for me, I couldn’t be more than grateful. I snapped back into attention when I heard her talking to me again. “First of all, I want you to give me a description of how you want your dream lover to look like.”

“Em… I don’t know. Got any ideas?” After ten minutes of brainstorming she produced a rough sketch on how this girlfriend of mine was going to look like. Short length strawberry blonde hair, big red eyes, with rosy cheeks and a wide smile. I didn’t have much preference about what I wanted her to wear. So in the end we settled for her wearing a pink dress with lace frills and puffy sleeves. Layla suggested letting her wear a ribbon in her hair, and I agreed, for I thought it looked cute.

Next, she made me list out all the character and personality traits I wanted her to have. Cute, funny, kind, were just the basics. Every detail was crucial, even her weaknesses were included, not to mention her likes and dislikes. Layla wore me out with all her questioning, and in the end we spent more than two hours just with the planning, but she was going to be a gem, I could feel it.

I will finally have a girlfriend.


A/N: Long time no see everyone! This story was originally supposed to be Karina x Saber, but I thought Angela would be more suitable. I think she and Harley would look pretty cute together, so why not?

Please watch the video above! I know not all of us understand chinese, but I want you to focus on the video more than the song (which is pretty good anyway). It features one of the most advanced A.I. humanoids, Sophia. You will be able to see the unlimited potentials of artificial intelligence in our society in the future.

Also, do you think that one can learn to love an A.I.? Please tell me what you think!

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