Nana x Cyclops | Reassurance

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A/N: For CYangPhua . Hope you like it :3

And if you guys didn't know, I have a second book, which is a roleplay about meeting the heroes. Go check it out!


Nana's Pov

"You filthy cat!"

Another one hits me, and the glass shatters upon impact. I cried out in pain, crouching down with my hands on my head. Her foot hits my chest, and I stumbled backward, and my head collides with the wall. "You are the reason why no man wants me!" Miya screamed. Another punch in my face, and I curled myself into a ball on the ground. "You are a nuisance! I wish you would just disappear!" The blows continued, and when she finally stopped, I was patchworked with cuts and bruises all over. Red liquid was oozing from the multiple wounds all over my body.

I gingerly looked up, and my eyes were met with blazing hatred. With one last glare she slammed the door behind her. My big sister hated me, I was nothing but a nuisance to her. More tears rolled down my cheeks as I limped slowly to my phone, which was lying across the floor where she had knocked it out of my hand. I didn't need to think twice, I searched for Cyclops's number and sent him a text. Can I come over?

He replied quickly. I was hoping you'd ask.

Be over in five.

I dropped my phone in my pocket and pulled a bag I kept hidden under my bed. It contained necessities like clothing, money, food and water. For weeks I have planned my escape, but I had never actually dared to sneak out, in fear of getting caught by Miya. After her breakup with Alucard, she had gone crazy, getting angry at every little thing and eventually, violent. And when he got another girlfriend, she had lost it. She took it all out on me, and took great pleasure in torturing me, making sure I suffered badly. She made me feel useless, pathetic, that I was worth nothing. My once caring sister that I loved so much had turned into a monster I couldn't escape from, until now. I had no idea where I was going to go, or if I could even survive in the world out there. But anywhere would be better than this hellhole. Hopefully, Cyclops would let me crash at his place before I found somewhere else to live in.

Thank god for trees, as there was one right outside my bedroom window. I swung the bag over my shoulder and reached for the nearest branch. Carefully, I hauled myself over the window ledge and climbed my way down the tree. My feet landed softly on the ground and I made no noise as I slipped out of the hole in the fence. and ran out into the street. I had no time to rejoice in fear that Miya would spot me.Houses and trees were in a blur as I sprinted as fast as I could as I could from the place I had once called home. "Goodbye sister," I whispered, wiping a tear from my cheek.


When I arrived at his house, my legs were burning and my face was streaked with tears. I hastily wiped them away, and knocked sharply on the front door. He was probably expecting me, for the door swings immediately. He greets me with a wide smile, grabbing my hand and pulling me in. "That was quick," He said, giving me a hug. I wanted to tell him that I was running away, but the words fell short when he led me into his living room. Candles had been placed all around the room so that it was lit with a warm glow. Rose petals were scattered across the rug and the table was filled with all kinds of my favorite junk food."This is It's romantic," I gasped, he pulls me onto the couch next to him and slides his arm around my shoulder. "It's the least I can do for my amazing girlfriend," he pulls me closer and placed his mouth on mine. For a while I was lost in the kiss, but then I remembered why I was here. "Cy..." I muttered. "Hmm?" He placed his hands on my waist, and I shivered slightly. I pushed him away. I couldn't let him do this, I'm not worth it.

"Do you think...that I'm a nuisance?" He raises his eyebrow at my question. "Who on earth gave you that idea? Of course not, I love you." I could feel myself tearing up. Miya's words were stamped firmly in my head, I couldn't think otherwise. I lowered my eyes and said quietly, "No...pathetic. I'm not even pretty. Why do you even love me?"

"What? Nana, listen." He grabs the sides of my arms and forced me to look at him in the eye. In them, I saw something unreadable. A mixture of anger, sadness...and love? My mouth trembled as more tears spilled from my eyes. "If you ask me why I love you, I wouldn't have a full answer," he said. "When I first met you, something in you just made me feel completed. Being able to spending time with you is something I would die for." He took my hands and squeezed them. "It didn't take me much to realise that I was in love with you. I just knew it. You are the best person I've ever met, and I will love you for the rest of your life."

He cups my face with his hands, wiping my tears away. "It's Miya, isn't it?" I nodded. "You are welcome to stay here until things get sorted out. Everything will be alright, I promise." His lips were on mine again. There were still so many things I wanted to tell him. He doesn't know how much he is to me. More than my boyfriend, my lover. He was that one person who made me go on. He didn't have to do anything. Just being with him made me feel whole again. I opened my mouth to say all this, but the words were lost in his mouth. Eventually, I close my eyes and let him envelop me. And when he laid me back on the couch, I didn't have to say anything. He knew me by heart, I was inside his heart.


A/N: Those words Cy said to Nana were the exact words that someone was told me. And frankly, I would do anything to hear them again. I love this ship all over again! They are just so cute together I can't even stand it. Okie dokie, time to write Lance and Phasha's tragical story. I better get my tissues ready.

As you all can tell, this is my first time updating in the entire week XD I got to get back on track. I should probably take a temporary leave at the studio or else I wouldn't have time for anything else. See you all next time!

P.S. I didn't exactly check for spelling and grammatical errors, so please tell me if you find any :3

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