Alucard x Miya | Changing the future (Part 2)

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A/N: Previously on Changing the future, Alucard falls into a dream sequence which allowed him to view Miya's life. But what does it possibly mean? What will happen when he wakes up? Find it in this part :)

Alucard's Pov

I felt myself slowly gaining consciousness through my closed eyes. I felt something soft beneath me as I shifted my back. Light poured through the gaps between my eyelids, making me cringe.

"Don't worry, Ms Miya. He will be alright."

"Oh, thank goodness."

Upon hearing the voices, I slowly forced myself to open my eyes. Through the haziness I could make out someone bending over me, and as my vision sharpens, I see Miya looking down on me, with an anxious look on her face. Surrounding us were fabric walls, which indicated that this was a tent we were in. A few metres away stood another Moonlit elf, bending over doing some paperwork. When she saw my open eyes, her frown breaks into a smile.

"Alucard! You're awake!" She leans down to embrace me, and I hugged her back. This was one of the few times we ever had physically contact, so I let myself melt in this gesture of affection. But alas, the moment lasted for only a short while before we pull apart. A sharp pain sparks from my hand. I looked at it, it was the burn from Miya's arrow.

Wait, Miya? I stared at her in disbelief. How can she be alive? Didn't she die in the war? I must be dreaming right now. I pinched my arm, no, the pain felt as real as can be. I think she got a bit uncomfortable with my staring, for she asks me, "Are you okay?"

"Miya, is that really you?" I mummered. I took her hand and stroked it gently, making circles with my thumb. Her skin felt so soft. She doesn't pull away, but instead gives my hand a small squeeze. "Alu, it's really me," She reassures. "Why? What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Estes barges into the tent, his scroll of healing spells tucked under his arm. "Miya, it's time to go," He says crisply. His eyes fell on us holding hands, and he gave me the coldest look, a look which he never gave anyone else. "So he was the one you found unconscious?" He questioned. "Really, Miya. We have no time for outsiders..."

"Alucard is my friend, he is no outsider," Miya says sharply, shutting the elf king up. She hastily let go of my hand. "But Miya, we really have to go," He protests. "The troops are waiting for your command, and we cannot lose this battle to the Night elves."

"What?" I butted in, sitting up straight. "Didn't you guys battle already? And you betrayed Miya, and she died?" They stared at me like I was crazy. "Alu, what are you talking about? The war hasn't started yet," Miya said, the look of concern returning to her eyes.

"And I don't know what nonsense you are spouting, but I definitely wouldn't betray a fellow Moonlit elf, especially her," Estes snapped. "We are wasting our time here," He tells Miya. "We should really go."

"Wait!" I call after them as they turned to leave. "I'll come with you."

"Alu, I don't think this is a good idea, you don't really seem well," Miya said. "Yes, you seem a little unstable," Estes added.

I glared at him. "No, I'll fight by your side," I said firmly. I get it now. Somehow after Miya's life flashed before my eyes, I went back in time to just before the Elf War. If I could save Miya from being killed and end the war, then maybe I could have the happy ending that I had wanted.

"Nothing lasts forever, we can change the future."



Miya charged forward on her horse, Estes and I on her heels. We lead the troops through the forest until we got to the top of the hill.

"The Night elves should be here any second now," Miya announced, keeping her eyes in the distance. I gripped my sword tightly, ready to fight. Suddenly, Estes leans over to me.

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