Aluby | The tears you shed (00)

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A/N: Under a whole stack of things I wrote last year, I found this. It was from all the way back in June.

Let's read some of my old stuff XD


Ten years ago...


"What do you mean by 'nothing'?" I snapped. I stared down at Kagura, who lowered her eyes guiltily. "It isn't important, just a bit of gossip we heard from Angela. It probably isn't true." "But Angela is the queen of gossip, her information is never wrong!" I argued. She bit her lip. "God dammit, just tell me already Kag! You have never kept any secrets from me! Why can't you let me in on this one?"

"I...I can't," she shook her head. "It's for you to find out yourself." She grabs her umbrella and strode out of the room, leaving me stunned and confused.


I flattened myself against the pillar, and edge myself closer to where Angela and Nana were standing. I knew I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I needed to know what was so secretive that even Kag wouldn't tell me.

"...big sis is so lucky! I knew she had a thing for Alucard since the very beginning!" Nana was saying. "They look so cute together, I totally ship it," Angela gushed. "Do you think she was successful with her confession?"

"Duh!" The feline wizard squealed. " She hasn't came back since she left for his place!"

"But that was hours ago!"

"Exactly my point! Do you think... they did it?"

I rolled my eyes as they both shrieked with excitement, I never understood their crazy fangirl ways. Why hasn't Estes found a cure for fangirlism yet? I waited for their voices to fade away before emerging from my hiding place. I shook my head, a small smile on my face. Kag was right, Angela was probably wrong for once. So Miya likes my Alu, huh? What she didn't know that he already loves someone, and that someone was me.

I felt my cheeks reddening at the memory. It was just a week ago went it happened, and I remember every detail clearly. I had been sitting with Alucard in his room, his arm had been draped around my shoulder, and we were just talking and cuddling like that. Out of the blue, he had laughed and said these words: "You are so cute, I love you so much."

Of course, I acted like a tsundere, pouting and hitting him playfully. But inside, my heart was racing. He loves me! Alu really loves me! And what's more, I loved him back! I stopped walking for a moment and put my hand up to my chest, where I could feel my heart beating rapidly again. I knew this was just the beginning. Who knows, he might even ask me out when I meet him at our usual spot later! And as for Miya... she is probably hiding in some dark corner, crying over her rejection.


I checked my watch again with a frown, Alu was late, and he had always been punctual until now. Could something have happened to him? I decided to go investigate.

I headed to his room, where he spent most of his time. Maybe he overslept and forgot about meeting me, and I wouldn't blame him for that. He has been working too much lately, he needed more rest. As I approached his door, my ears picked up voices coming from inside. One of them I immediately identified as Alu, and the other, sounded familiar but I couldn't remember exactly who. A burst of laughter erupts, and my hair stands on a cold end. I pushed open the door without knocking, and there was Alucard sitting on his bed with Miya on his lap! I gasped, stumbling back in shock. Both of them turned sharply and their eyes widened too when they saw me. "Ruby?" Alu appeared confused, then fell into a realisation of guilt. "I'm sorry! I know I'm supposed to meet you but I lost track of time." Miya didn't look very pleased with having her moment with him interrupted either.

I shook my head. No, no. no. This is not happening, this cannot be real. Alu loves me and me only! But why is Miya sitting on his lap like that? He can't be cheating on me! A thousand questions were running through my mind, and the shock was too overwhelming. I ran out of the room, wiping the tears that were spilling out of my eyes.

I didn't stop running until I entered the training room, which was deserted. My legs ached and I panted heavily to catch my breath. "Ruby!" I refused to turn around, but I knew he was there. Alu closed the door behind him, and walked slowly towards me. "Ruby..."


"Huh? What do you mean...?"

"Why?" I repeated, raising my voice slightly. My fists clenched and my teeth gritted. "What were you doing with Miya?"

He was quiet for a moment before he spoke up, "She confessed to me today."


"So I spent some time with her because I shared her feelings" My ears burn, and I finally turned to face him. "Her feelings? Her feelings?" I questioned. I was trembling but I looked at him straight in the eyes. "What about my feelings?" Then I lost it, and yelled, "Did you even consider how I would feel?"

"Ruby, please. I know you're upset that I forgot to meet you," he pleaded. "I'm really sorry, it wasn't intentional..." "You asshole!" I screamed. "That's not the fucking point! It's not that, for fuck's sake!"

"...then what is?"

I glowered at him, trying to calm myself down. "So you were just joking when you said you loved me? And saying 'I love you' to every girl you meet is just a sick hobby of yours?"

"Stop," he said, anger creeping into his voice. "First of all, I don't tell every damn girl I'm friends with that I love her. Second of all, when did I ever say 'I love you' to you?"

"Just a week ago! That night I slept over at your room! You yourself said you loved me!" I was starting to get desperate. I can't accept this. He can't be in love with somebody else! I just don't understand... I timidly looked up at Alu again, I saw something unreadable in his eyes. Was that guilt or...?

"You must be mistaken," he finally said, tugging at a loose strand of tread of his jacket. "I do love you, just not as a lover. I love you as a little sister." A tear spilled from my eye. "Nothing more..." Another tear. "...nothing less." The dam of my eyes broke and everything came rushing out.

" long have you loved her?" Was all I could ask.

"Since a few months ago."

A few months.

"So for months I have admired you. For months I stayed by your side. For months everything I did was for you," My voice shook violently as I said it. "For months I have been working up the courage to tell you, while you were loving someone else, that I love you!"

I finally said it, I loved him. I had for a long time, but the outcome wasn't what I had in mind. He was looking at me, but not in the way I wanted to. I used to see all sorts of things in those beautiful eyes. Bravery, determination, recklessness, warmth. The list goes on, but as my eyes met his, all I see from him was pity.

"I'm sorry, Ruby."

I frowned. "That's all you have to say?"

"What else do you want me to say?"

I pushed past him and ran, ignoring his calls. I continued to run and didn't look back. I was running even after I was out in the wilderness of the trees and the place I had once called home was far behind me. I didn't care where I was going, I can't go back there, not if the person I love will never love me back.

When I was too tired to go on any further I collapsed onto the ground. I listened to the sound of wolves howling and leaves rustling. I screamed into my hands, and let out a strangled sob. In the end, it wasn't Miya who was rejected, it was me.

"Alu..." His name was the last thing I whispered before everything went dark.


A/N: This is really cringey. Angela was originally Layla but I changed it to give my Bunnylove more love <3

When I wrote this, I thought "No Aluby is waaaaaaayyy too popular to ruin." So I didn't publish it. Now that Aluya has become canon (Maybe?) It's more appropriate.

Anyways, I found more chapters of this supposedly Aluby fanfic I wrote. Publish or no?

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