Alice x Rafaela | Little bat friend

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A/N: To all those who have have been busy with school, I feel you :(

Dedicated to Autolaine

Enjoy, and open your hearts to this new ship.


Rafaela’s Pov

The night was quiet, not a single breath of wind, and even the crickets were silent. The air was still, and as peaceful as it was, I felt a little uneasy. I looked at the clock hanging above my dresser. 10.24pm. I should probably be heading to bed now.

The window was left open, so I walk over to close it. As I reached it, a sudden rustling sound startled me. I looked down and gasped slightly in surprise, for sitting on the window sill was a tiny bat. It was the tiniest little furball, and it was shivering slightly, even though there wasn't any breeze.

I felt sorry for it, so in the same coaxing voice I used to talk to sparrows, I said to it, “Come on in, little one. It's warm in here, I promise.” The bat turns around to face me, and I saw that it had the prettiest eyes I ever saw. They were a deep violet, like the colour or wild lavender, which was strange but beautiful at the same time. They stared straight into me before hopping onto my outstretched hands. As I brought it into my room, it nuzzled against my fingers as if to thank me.

I sat myself on my bed, and it tumbles off from the sudden movement and lands on my bed with a soft thud. It sits up, appearing confused, scratching its little head. “You really are a cutie,” I cooed. It tried to climb up my legs, but fails and fell back onto the mattress instead, pouting. I laughed, and started to talk to it about random things. I told it about my favorite things, my hobbies, and some funny incidents that I had encountered. Then in a less light tone, I talked about my break up with Argus. “I haven't been the same since,” I said sadly, picking at my fingernails. “In front of others I pretend I moved on, but in fact…” My shoulders started to shake, and I wiped a tear from my cheek fiercely. “Sometimes, I wonder if in another world, we would still be together.”

All this time, the bat had been listening quietly, not that it was able to answer back. Upon hearing my voice trembling, it hops over and nuzzles it head against my thighs. I smile slightly, and reached out to pat its head. It looks back up at me, its violet eyes filled with sympathy. “Do you really understand what I’ve been saying all this time?” I asked, and it gives a little nod. Iit was still shivering, and I realised that I had forgotten to shut the window, and a drought was blowing through the room. “I’m so sorry!” I apologised. “I will go shut it immediately.”

I quickly ran to close it, and just as I did, another soft breeze fills the room, coming from behind me. I turned around sharply, and gasped, for sitting on my bed was a girl. She had wings and horns growing from her head, and she took a step towards me. Demon! A voice in my head screams in alarm. My eyes darted around in fear, the little bat was nowhere to be found.

“Stay away!” I screamed, in my terror I forgot that I processed holy powers that could vanquish her in an instant. “Don't come any closer!”

“Rafaela, it's me,” she says in a soft voice, taking another step closer to me. I gulped, my back hitting the wall. “I don't what you are talking about!” But I couldn't help but notice that she was quite attractive. She had full features, her body curving nicely where it's supposed to, and I noticed a lot of other things my head scolds me not to even think about, but I do anyway. My cheeks flush red, and my eyes met hers. They were deep violet.


“Yes, it's me,” she says, smiling slightly. “It's okay Raf, if he dumped you like that, he's a jerk and you are better off without him.” The kindness in her voice was overwhelming and I ran forward and threw my arms around her without a thought. She seemed surprised at the gesture, but quickly returned it, stroking my blonde hair and whispering reassurances into my ear while I sobbed into her shoulder. After what seemed like a long time, we pull apart, my face warm. “Look, don't worry about him okay? Her violet eyes glowed with warmth and sympathy as she spoke. “Okay,” I whispered.

She smiled. She took my hand and led me to my bed. I laid down, letting her tuck me in like how my mother used to do when I was little. “Stay with me?” I begged, and she laughs. “You aren't scared of monsters under the bed, are you?” She teased, but she slid in next to me anyway, wrapping her arms around me. “No...I just...want you to be here…” I closed my eyes, breathing in her scent, which smelt. faintly of lavender. I was having this strange feeling. She was a demon, and I was an angel. We should be staying far apart from each other. But instead I was feeling strangely warm and comfortable being with her, too warm and comfortable in fact. It was something I had only felt with Argus before, but now in her arms, I was feeling it again.

“Go to sleep, Raf. I'll chase the bad dreams away.”

“With what?”

“With my sexyness, of course.”

I laughed, but I was indeed tired and was already drifting off to sleep. “Good night...uh…”

“Alice, my name is Alice. Good night, Rafaela.” I felt her lips touch my cheek, and with that I fell asleep peacefully, a smile on my face.


A/N: Waahh...I shipped this before but that Argus got released so I shipped Rafargus. But now I love this ship all over again. My exams are finally over, so yay! I can finally do more updates.

Have a good night everyone :)

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