Nana x Cyclops | Freak (Part 1)

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A/N: Just a note that I do not discriminate or am against the so called stereotypical 'nerd' or 'freak' in school life. Terms like this used are only meant for the this story and nothing more! Also, some of the heroes may be acting like pure jerks in this, but again, it's just for this story and not in the real game! And btw, Cyclops is in 'human' form for this story, a human with one eye :)


Cyclops's Pov

Every high school student had a typical routine in school. Take classes in your respective classrooms, head to your next class when the bell rings, take your class there, and the cycle continues.

Everyone except for me that is.

I am a one-eyed cyclop. I have the unusual ability of movement magic. Back in my homeland, I was considered a genius or child prodigy, and my folks used to call me the 'Starsoul Magician'. The fact that I had only one eye never seemed to bother anyone back home. But here in high school, it's a very different story.

My parents thought that letting me transfer to an ordinary highschool in a town five miles away from home would be a good way to let me experience the life of a 'normal teenager'. Truthfully, I had initially been excited about this idea, but now? Not so much.

Do 'normal teenagers' get bullied everyday? Do they get laughed at for their appearance? Do they get to be poked in their one eye? Do they get teased for something they had that was supposedly a gift?

No, and that was the problem. Ever since I stepped foot into this place, the students there had made it clear that I did not and will never belong there. I was miserable and hurt.

So that brings me back to now. The bell rings, and I walk out of the classroom to get my books from my locker. Five more seconds.

With shaking hands I opened the locker door. Three seconds.

I reached in to grab my math book. One second, then...

I felt hands grip my shoulders tightly. Nails dug into my skin, and I yelped out in pain. I felt myself falling backwards. My bag doesn't do much to reduce the impact of the floor and my back, but I wasn't shocked. I was almost used to this by now.

Laughter sounds from around me as I find myself being surrounded by the bullies.

"Hey, freak," says Johnson. Beside him were Tigreal, Minotaur, Franco and Akai, just to name a few. They called themselves the 'Tanks'. Strange name, but they themselves are strange, so I didn't judge...

Like always, the usual insults ran down on me, each nasty word still felt like a slap on the cheek. Tears sprung from my eyes, and they continued to howl with laughter. "Look he's crying! Again!" "I bet he wants his mommy." "Yeah, go home and suck your mommy's thumb!"

Then a kick, right in my chest. I gasped in shock and pain. No, this was not the usual. Until now, they had never hurt me physically! Another kick in my stomach. Blood springs from my nose and splattered all over my plain t-shirt and the floor. Another kick in my head, and the edges of my vision went black.

I screamed, "Stop! Stop!" Still, they continued to beat me up. "Please! I'll do anything! Just stop!"

Eventually they do stop, their laughter ringing in my ears. "Let's roll, boys," said Johnson. I stayed on the ground until I heard their footsteps fading away in the distance before I scrambled up to my feet and dashed for the exits. Pushing back the pain and the mummers of bystanders who had witnessed the whole thing. No, nobody ever offered to help me or two stop those boys. Either they agreed that I was a one eyed freak, or they just didn't care.

I heard the loud ringing of the school bell, but I ignored it continued to run and run as fast as I could, pushing through the exit doors and dashing out into the road. I continued to run like I was running for my life as tears streamed from my face. A bicycle swerves to avoid me and the cyclist yelled at me, but I didn't care. Let people see this wounded and broken child running away from a place he will never belong.

I didn't stop running until I reach a dark alley. I turned into it and ran into the far corner Curling myself into a ball, I cried into my knees, scolding myself for being me. If only I was a what they called a 'normal teenager', maybe I would be able to fit in...

"Phew! You sure run fast for someone so short."

I looked up abruptly. "Who's there?" I call out. I see a dark shadow walking towards me. I tried backing up a little, but my back hit the wall, making it impossible to move more. The shadow slowly makes out into a figure.

It was a girl. She had pink hair tied back into twin tails with a pastel pink beanie over her head. She wore a bright pink turtleneck under her white winter coat paired with baggy purple trousers. As she came closer, I could make out that she was about the same height as me.

I haven't interacted with many girls in my life, but this girl looked pretty cute to me. I could feel my face flushing up as she coached in front of me.

"But then again, I shouldn't be calling you short. Since I'm pretty little as well," she continues with a grin. I then notice that her eyes were the same shade as emeralds, and they seemed to glow slightly in the dark alley. "Pretty indeed..." I mummered.

"What was that?" She asked. "Oh, nothing!" I snapped back into reality, turning my face away, embarrassed. She laughs. "Sorry, you must be a little shocked at my sudden appearance. Boy, I wonder where my manners have ran off too! My name is Nana, pleased to meet you." She plops herself down next to me.

"Pleased to meet you too, Nana," I replied, shaking her hand. "I'm..."

"Cyclops, I know," Nana butted in. "You are that dude with the incredible movement magic right? I've seen some of those cool stuff, so I'm guessing you can do them too!" Nana seemed very enthusiastic and friendly, and while most people would find her annoying, I for one felt warm all over as she went on and on about what she knew about movement magic. "How do you know about movement magic?" I asked her.

"Reading," Nana said. "I'm fascinated with these kind of stuff, or any type of magic for that matter."

"You are the first person to ever tell me that you believe in magic, that magic is cool. The other kids just think it's plain bullshit," I said, using one of the swear words that I've heard around the school. I felt myself tearing up again. "They say that I'm bullshit too," I added sadly.

Then to my surprise, Nana throws her arms around me, engulfing me in a warm and sincere embrace. "Hey, don't listen to them! They are the ones that are bullshit," she told me. "And trust me, I know how it feels too."

"How would you know?" A retort sprang from my lips, and I instantly regretted what I said next. "Nobody else knows how it feels how it's like to be so different, that you will never fit in. You are probably just like the others. You think that I am nothing but a useless one-eyed freak underneath all this fake sympathy!"

As soon as the words left my mouth I saw something unreadable in Nana's eyes. She got up and started to walk away. "Wait Nana! I'm sorry, I didn't mean all that!"

Then I saw turn to face me. She reached up and removed her beanie to reveal...a pair of cat ears?!

A/N: To be continued! I had some time off today so I thought why not work on this? I hoped you enjoyed it! If you did, be sure to leave a vote and a comment.

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