Nana x Cyclops | Freak (Part 2)

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A/N: Haven't updated this in a long time! Partly my bad for neglecting it, but it was also digiquise and NicolelovesCyclops fault for making me obsessed with Cyley and making me forget about Cyna! But still, I shipped Nana and Cyclops first, long before Harley was even released, so I'm still loyal and a strong supporter rof the ship.

Anyways, on with it!

Cyclops's Pov

"You're a cat elf?" I said dumbly, looking at Nana's ears, who were sticking out from odd angles after being squashed under the beanie after so long.

"Finally someone knows I'm a car elf and not a damn raccoon!" Nana exclaims, seeming to have forgotten that I had insulted her earlier. She does some sort of dance, tapping her feet and waving her arms around, them she stops to look at me. "Are you cold?" She asked.

As she said it, I realised that I was indeed shivering, and I hug myself in an attempt to warm myself from my chilly surroundings. She notices this, and immediately she slips her coat off her shoulders and wraps it around my shoulders like a shawl. I immediately felt much warmer, and I smiled at her thankfully.

I noticed that she had a slim figure outlined by her pink turtleneck, and her baggy pants couldn't hide the fact that she had nice legs, and other things that my head yells at me not to notice, but I do anyway. As I eyeballed her, I felt my cheeks heating up a little.

She sits herself back down next to me, this time a little closer, so that I could smell the faint scent of strawberries. "Sorry," I apologised again softly. "It's okay," she reassures me. "I know that you were just frustrated with all that's happening. Cheer up, okay? I'm here for you now."

I sigh, leaning on her shoulder without realising it. I definitely felt better with her around, and she didn't have to say anything, but I knew that she understood how I felt. But still, it didn't seem to change the fact that I was a one eyed freak that will never be part of the school.

"Hey! I know how to make you feel better!" She leaps to her feet and bounces to the nearby trashcan. She was back in a flash, with a stray cat in her arms. "Here! Holding a cat always makes me feel better, so I try holding this little cutie!" She holds it out for me to see. Cutie? More like a dirty old moggy. The stray cat had matted fur with half its whiskers missing, making its face look lopsided. "No, I am not holding that smelly fleabag," I said, wrinkling my nose in disgust. The cat hisses, wiggling free for Nana's arms and retreating back to its trashcan.

"Aww man! That was the only cat around here!" Nana pouts. "Well, you are sort of a cat," I blurted out without thinking twice. I covered my mouth, my eyes wide in horror. Crap, now the one friend I've met since arriving here is going to think I'm a dirty minded pervert that wants to touch her! "I guess that I would be a suitable alternative," I heard her say.

Wait, she took me seriously? The next thing I knew Nana was curled up in my arms. I blushed harder, seeing the playfulness in her eyes. She 'paws' at my hands, and I scratched under her neck, earning a soft "meow!" from her. Huh, so she does react like a normal cat would. My hands automatically move to her stomach, tickling it lightly and she giggles, swatting my hands harder. I couldn't help myself, I had never touched a girl before, so my hands slipped under her top until I was touching her bare skin. She gasped, but didn't push me off. I stopped tickling, and instead stroked her tummy, and she lets out something in between a moan and a purr. "Ah..ahh!" She groans. My own mouth finds its way to her right ear and nibbled it gently, and she moaned louder. I continue to kiss her ears, her temple, her cheek and even right next to her mouth. Then I felt something cold and wet slide across my hand, and I stop, drawing my hand away in surprise.

"Sorry, my cat instincts kinda took over," She said. She got out of my lap, straightening her turtleneck, and I see her cheeks with pink like her hair. I even make out a small hickey on her ear, and I wondered if I went too far with her. I touch my cheeks, they were hot. "We should go back," I said after a moment of awkward silence. "I don't want us to get into big trouble."


We arrived through the school gates just as the next bell rang. We made our way to my locker, my hands shaking slightly that was definitely not due to the cold. Nana continues to stand by my side while I get my books out, laying her hand on my shoulder, telling me not to be afraid. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the Tanks standing a few lockers down, but it was already too close for my liking. "Are those the guys who are complete assholes to you?" she asks, loud enough for them to hear. "Ssh, Nana. They will hear you..." I began.

But it was too late, Nana was already approaching the Tanks, her small figure looking tinier than ever standing in front of them. "Hi, so I heard you guys are jerks," She said boldly. "Oh, and who are you?" Johnson booms, bending his half metallic body to get a better look of her. "It must be one eye's new girlfriend," Akai mocks, pointing a furry finger in my direction. "And no wonder," Balmond added cruelly. "With those raccoon parts."

Laughter burst outs from the gang, but Nana continues to remain unfazed. "Look here, girlie. We will spare your life if you become our little slave," said Franco. "You ain't that bad looking for a freak, so why not put it to good use?" "Nana, don't!" I call out in fear, the idea of Nana going with them sends chills down my spine, but also a tinge of jealousy. She turns for a moment to look at me, a smile that I didn't understand on her face. What could she possibly be planning?

"Sorry boys, I'm sticking with Cyclops," She said. "And if you there lay a finger on him again, I'll make you pay." "What did you say?" Minotaur thunders, slamming his hammer on the ground. "She asked for it, get her!" I let out a scream as the tanks charged towards the cat elf like a herd of bulls, but just as they were a hair away from her, a giant pink and blue paw crashes through the roof, causing nearby students to scream and dive for cover. The paw grabs the now screaming Tanks and flung them through the hole in the roof before disappearing completely.

I stared at Nana in shock, she was grinning. "Don't worry, they'll be fine," she shrugged. Before I could say anything, the principal comes teetering over in her in her high heels. "Miss Nana!" She yells, her face red with fury. "Come and see me at my office after school! You are in big trouble young lady, for damaging school property, hurting your schoolmates, and god knows what else!" "Yes madam," Nana answered calmly. "You are lucky I'm not punishing you now, for I got some students to rescue, but I definitely will later!" She fired.

I watch as the principal stalks away, her phone pressed against her ears, probably calling the cops to rescue the Tanks or something. I want to yell at Nana, for getting herself in hot water and possibly getting her expelled, but all I could say was, "You did that for me?"

She nodded. "Of course, you are my friend. Those jerks got what they deserved." The bell rang at that moment. "Well, looks like it's time to go to class," she said. Students around us rushed to their next classes, and she turns to go too, but I stop her. "Nana, wait," I said, holding onto her shoulders. She raises her eyebrows in confusion. "I know we just met, but..."

I smashed my lips into hers, not bothering to finish my sentence. Through my eye that was squinted shut I could feel her tensing up, and when I open it, I see her eyes wide, not pulling away but not kissing me back either. She hates it, I thought. Embarrassed, I was about to pull away when she closes her eyes and wrap her arms around me. I close my eye too, letting myself melt in the kiss.

When we pull apart, I see her smiling. "Are you sure you want a freak like me?" She asked jokingly, and I laugh. "I'm a freak too, remember?" I reminded her. "Yeah yeah, then let's be freaks together," she said. I kissed her again, and that was the happiest moment of my life.

A/N: Welp, my once dead Cyna heart is beating rapidly again. You know what? This story isn't over! Cyclops and Nana may be dating now, but what happens if a third guy comes into the picture?

Who knows? Maybe I'll be nice and write a third part. But for now, Silver out!

Silvesta_chan <3

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