Chapter 1~ Before

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Everyone counts down the last minute of school.


The bell finally decides to ring. Goodbye sixth grade! I won't be missing you. And off to.....Middle school dun dun duuuuunnnnn.

Varieties of cheers are yelled as everyone runs towards the door.

"So Mr. Styles, what are you going to do this summer?" I asked even if I already know what he's going to do. I'm just making conversation. Geez

"Uuuuhhhhh....not much might go to Disney adventure park with my

Best Friend but that's going to be borin-" he starts before I cut him off.

"Hey!! I am not boring!" i shoved him, he chuckles.

"As I was saying.......other that i am going to stay home probably have a few sleepovers with my neighbor and watch movies and do some possible piontless shopping...uhhh that's about it. Hey did i mention how my neighbour is so much more of a fun person to be around than my best friend"he smirked. "Not to metion hotter too but don't tell the weirdo i have as a best friend that, she'll probably punch me or something." he looked at me and started laughing. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Ha-Ha very funny" i said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"So, are you excited for Middle school?" he asked me, looking down at his feet.

"Uhh...let me think about that....NO!!" I exclaimed.

"Why not?" he asks, like he doesn't know I literally whine to him how I hate school. Maybe I'm not annoying him enough. Haha... Nah!!

"It's just more boring school with loads of homework not to mention to sleep you miss out on i just Hate school. Are you excited?"

"Please, school sucks. i fail anyways." he lies he isn't failing hejust likes me telling him that he's smart and compliment him and blah blah blah. But i don't usually mind. And by usually i mean when I'm in a good mood let ealier this year I according to him I became moodier. So on those days Harry compliments me more than usual. But sometimes he goes in my room on the weekends at 10 or 9 in the morning and tries to wake me let me tell you it doesn't start pretty but lately he just ends up falling asleep on the bottom of my bed.

"You don't fail you just say that but you're just as smart as me."

"Whatever, I'm more excited for our traditional summer fun." he beams. His smile is so cute. What? Scratch that.

"Why? We do the same thing every summer?" I ask him really wanting to know why he looks forward to summer.

"Cause i get to spend it with you." he said matter-a-factly

"AWWWWWWW! HARRY! That's so cute. You cheesball." I cooed as I pinched his cheeks and he slap my hand away.

"You know it" he says with a wink

"That's ruining your adorable face. Don't do that." I said as i start laughing as Harry blushes. As we go silent, it's one of those nice comfortable silent, I think about the time when one of my so called "friends" asked him out to the movies during the summer. She was Jenna, the school's ,what you would call a, whore,excuse my manners. But it's true....okay well not really she was more of an elementary verison of a whore she had kissed and gone out with almost every guy in our school, except some boys who were considered "nerds" . I really didn't think of them like that though.


"Ya?" he answers snapping out of thought.

"I love ya but we're never going to get home at this pace we're walking so slow i saw a snail pass us."

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