Chapter 2 ~ The Ride of Yelling?

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"Okay, kids don't get lost."

"Mom! We know this place like the back of our hand. Besides we come here every summer."

"Still, use the buddy system." she shouted out behind us.

"Let's get out of tomorrow land, Mel." he said as I nod and we walk out of the section and aimlessly walking around .

"Umm, okay." i say

"Come on!" he yells

"Im going geez!" i yell back

"Hurry were going to get lost!"

"i want to ride that one-" i point to the tower

" sure cause it's dark and it drops you from the very top of it at very high speeds and i know that you're scared of the dark and heights"

"Oh Uh...okay nevermind" i regret even asking

"You sure?"

"Yea i mean there's lots of other rides here it's Disneyland."

"No lets go there"


"Please please I wanted to go there?" he pleaded








"Please for me? I'll hold your hand."  he gave me the puppy eyes that i can't say no to. i mean with those gorgeous green eyes and his light brown hair i just can't say no and he knows it and he uses it to his advantage.

"Fine" I finally give in.

"Yay!" he cheered like a little kid as he pulled me to the line he held my hand. Just when he did that i felt butterflies in my stomach. As we were about to get on the ride he turned to face me but he wasn't excited but he was crying.

"Mel don't leave me. Please don't leave me. Please! I need you I love you i know people think we are too young to love but i know that you're more than a crush. Please don't leave me PLEASE!" i want to hug him but i can't i feel  like im being held down.

"I love you too I'm not going to leave you ever" i tell him what I'm feeling.


"I won't leave you ever!!" i yell back "I am awake!! I love you to much to leave. Why would I leave you?"

"MELODY!! MY MELSTER!! Wake up!! Please Please I'll buy you all the ice cream and donuts or what ever you want just please please w-wake  up!!" he is full on sobbing.  "Mel??" he whispers " I love you, I need you. Remember....remember when I tripped over air and i fell into your pool and y-you laughed at me, and ran into your house and i thought you locked me out of the house but you came back with towels and set them down a-and jump in with me. And remember when we went to the mall with Gemma,n you wanted to buy us some girly bff necklaces and i didn't wantto so we didn't get them... well i bought them for us...i wish going to give them to you for your birthday. But if you wake up I'll take you the mall and buy you anything and wear the girliest necklace you can find just please PLEASE!! wake up." I smile as i remember.

Then i start to hear people yelling:

"She's falling!! Hurry she's falling" then i realise that I fell. I'm on the floor crying. "She's falling" Why are they yelling? They're making a big deal and i just fell.I grab on harder to his hand so i can get up.

"Mel?" he whispers between his sobs as he lifts a bag and put an envelope in it.

Ya? What's with the envelope?

" Don't leave." he whispers one last time.

"You need to get out of here" a person tells him.

"No I'm not leaving her" he fights back.

"Somebody get his boy out of here! NOW!!"

"Harry you need to leave"

"No I'm sorry sir but i can't leave Melody here"

"You have to! Now Boy!"

Don't yell yell at him PLEASE I love him i yell

"No she needs me i need her"

"She doesn't need you all she needs from you is for you to get out this is all your fault!! You're making her health worst then it already is!!  GET OUT!!!"

No i need him!!  the people around me start to get closer Get away HELP

ME! COME BACK DON'T LEAVE!! I try screaming again but no body is paying attention.

"Hey!! You respect my son I am sorry about you're daughter but it is not his fault "

"If it weren't for that boy my daughter wouldn't be dieing in there!!"

"Honey!! don-"


"FINE!! WE'RE LEAVING!! Come on Anne let's go. Harry, Come on!"

"No, Dad i can't leave "

"We have to don't you see that we're aren't wanted here"

"But Dad-" he yells

"No Harry it isn't good for you to be here"

"Anne i am so sorry for my husbands reaction"

"No no its alright, I understand he's going througha hard time "

"No it isn't but, seeing that you're leaving i call you and tell you anything that happens."

"Thank you, Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Anne, Harry , Mr. Styles. "

"Honey you shouldn't I have said any of that."

"I don't care."

"You know what, i always knew that boy was trouble just like his father."

"Oh come on, that wasn't his fault you know that."

"Melody shouldn't be around that rude kid. You know we should move I've been thinking about that and with all of this just proves my point I already have the papers for a house by the beach it's beautiful. "

"But the hous-"

"Ready to be sold. What do you say?"

"No, that house is my dream house! And if anyone is rude it's you!"

"Hun, it's everything Melody wish we had. Just wait until you've seen it"

"Mr. and Mrs. Gómez we have some news about your daughter. I'm afraid she's......


HEY!! Nice to see you again. Bless your soul for reading my story.

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