Chapter 8 ~ The Pudding Cup

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"JACQUELINE!!" my mom yelled waking me from my 'non memory' dreams of a small place where everything was to perfection and the neighbours were all nice people, now that's my sort of place.

"JACQUELINE!!!" she said again slightly more irrated. I groaned and stretched before responding back to her.

"WHAT!" i answered back knowing exactly what she wants.

"GET UP YOU'RE GOING TO BE  LATE TO  SCHOOL!" she said. More like commanded. Ugh i dont want to go to school! But i got up anyways. And by got up i mean like i stayed staring at the ceiling for a good 5 seconds. I stretched some more and yawned before getting dressed.

It was already a few weeks into school and i was tired of it. And the fact that these dreams didn't stop made it worse, from time to time i won't get those dreams but just when i think I'm done having them  BAM another dream. I went into the kitchen looking for something eat. Oooooo chocolate pudding!

"Jacqueline hurry you're going to be late." my mom said her tone raising slightly towards to end.

"Okay okay I'm leaving already. " I laughed leaving the kitchen with my pudding and a spoon in my hand. I entered my room and stared at it. Dam i really need to clean this place up a bit....or a lot.  I looked for my backpack.

"There you are!" i exclaimed to absolutely no one but to my backpack. I picked it up off the floor and walked out of my room with my unopened pudding in my hand..

"Have a great day at school!" my dad laughed from his spot in the kitchen as i walked out the door. I heard my mom honking.

"Bye!" i said to him walking over to my very impatient parent that was waiting for me in the car. I opened the door and slid in the seat. "Jeez! Someone is in a hurry!" i said to my mom when i got in the car.

"Have you seen the time?" she gave me an annoyed look before pulling out of the driveway.

"I haven't actually." i said glancing at the clock on the radio. "Oh my god it's 8:06!" I said well i yelled anyways.

"Exactly!" my mom said as the school appeared. "But thank god we don't live far." she said.

"Thanks mom!" i said grabbing my backpack and pudding i had totally forgotten about. I walked to the doors of the school and pulled one open. I speed walked to my locker before the late bell rang. As I neared my locker I saw Zia with Mariah and Leeroy by her locker. "Hey guys, why are you here shouldn't you be in homeroom?"I ask as I put in the locker combination and got the books for math.

"Okay I am I seeing things or do you have a pudding cup in your hand!?" Ziana asked slash yelled. Ingnoring the question I had asked beforehand.

"Uh, ya?" I responded zipping up my backpack that is now filled with books making it harder to carry. I stand up straight and notice that she has a look on her face.

"I love you Jacqueline!" she exclaimed, sort of scaring me. I looked over to Mariah and Leeroy confused, wanting a explanation instead they sort of looked....amused? "Can I please have your pudding!? You are my favourite frien- person in the world!!" she yelled again.

"Uhhh...?" I said still confused. I took out the spoon and took a bit of pudding and ate it. I looked up at this sad slash mad Zia. I was going to tease her a bit more but of course the bell rang. "Ya you can have it." I said handing it over to a now smiling girl.

"Thanks Jackie!" she said glancing at her locker then at the pudding.

"What?" i asked.

"I don't have time to open my locker and get a spoon." she said looking around before me.

"You have a spoon in your locker?" I asked laughing.

"Spoon? Spoons, honey. " she said causally.

"Spoons?!" I said my laughs becoming painful.

"And forks and cups and napkins, even a few plates." she simply stated shrugging. Once my laughs died down, she shrugged before crushing the cup and eating the pudding. I laughed once again but this time Leeroy and Mariah joined in.

"Well guys as much as we would like to stay and talk, some of us have homeroom to be. So bye!" Leeroy said pulling Mariah along with him.  She waved and shouted bye as leaving. I turned to Ziana.

"So are you going to home?" I asked.

"Nope I have to show a new kid around and wait in the office so see you probably during math." she said heading towards the office. I waved bye and turned around to homeroom. I walked down the halls until I got to the class and sat down in my usual spot, next to Yaslin.


After the announcements we were let out and of course me and Yaslin walked to math together. When we turned the corner I saw Leeroy and Zia argueing about something. When close enough to hear, we stopped and listened to their conversation.

"Nope." Leeroy said shrugging.

"No, Leeroy!" Ziana yelled frustrated.

"You know it's true!" he yelled back clearly as frustrated as she was.

"No it isn't!" she said emphasising each word.

"Yes it is!" he exclaimed getting red.

"No don't ever say something so stupid again!" Zia yelled back.

"Stupid! Wow! You know what? I'm sorry but not everyone has to offer such stupid stuff!"

"I thought you were a nice person!" Ziana said and Leeroy's eyes softened "but you're a stupid one!!" she finished.

"Look it's okay to be wrong and admit that I'm right!" he yelled getting a bit louder towards the end.

"No! I am right and you are sooo wrong my friend!" she snapped back.

"Friend! Maybe we aren't friends!" he yelled back. Yaslin and I looked at each other. They never fought if anything they always are on each other's side helping them.

"What the fuck? they never fight." yaslin whispered from beside me, just repeating my thoughts. And she's known them longer. Together they fought others not one another. What happened?


short chapter but ya.

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☆★☆★ I love every one of yall

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