Chapter 28 ~ Stan

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"No, come over here!"

" Look over here!!"

"Oh my gosh!! Look it's so pretty!!'

"Woah, I wonder what this person was inspired by."

"This one looks like a giant elephant!"


"This is beautiful."

"What an elegant artwork."

By the second floor we were just addicted to everything. It was all pretty. We wanted to see them all before we left.

"Oh my gosh, guys. Look!" Mariah gasped. As we gathered around that one painting, something caught my eye. I turned to look real quick that I got whiplash. Aw, man. I groaned. All I saw was a statue, it was pretty cool and all but that wasn't what I thought it was. I mean statues can't move. Right? OH MY GOSH! What if its like that one movie? What's it called? The one in the museum and the guy works there or something. Uhhhhhhh..... Nope. Nada. I somehow had walked over to the statue and now practically face to face.

"Hey, hey, hey, dude?" I whispered to the statue.

No answer.

"Hey, are you alive?"

No answer.

"It's okay you can tell me, I won't tell anybody."

"Dude, it's rude not to answer someone who's talking to you."

Then I realize, I was talking to a statue. It's not going to answer. Or is it? I laughed silently. Gosh, I hope no one saw that. I look back at my buddies. Thank goodness they're mesmerized by some picture! Well, that would've been sooo embarrassing.

"It'll be our secret, okay friend?" I told the statue. I gotta give him a name.


I laughed.

"I knew you could tal- Oh shit!" It talked! Oh my gosh! That's it I have officially got crazy! I'm going to be ship of to a mental hospital and have a therapist named Bre and she's going to have no life so we're going to have a session everyday. And I won't go to school because I'll be so crazy. I won't get married or have a family. Oh my gosh.

"Of course it'll be our little secret. I won't tell if you don't." Said Stan the statue.

"Ummm.... Okay...." I slowly backed away, ready to run. I glanced over my shoulder, my friends were no longer there. Nobody was. I turn around ready to book it. And I did. I headed straight for where I had seen an elevator on the way here. I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I quickly took at sharp turn, my converses slipping on the tiled floor. I almost didn't make it. Once in front of the elevator, I pushed the button so much I think I broke it. It opened after what seemed like forever. I quickly got inside as I heard the footsteps turn the corner. I pushed the up button. I CAN BREATHE NOW. No I can't. As the elevator moved, sat down on the floor. I'm so tried. But all too soon, I heard the stupid thing bing. Signaling I'm not longer allowed to sit. I got up and hauled myself out. Yet, I heard Stan again. I started to run as fast as I could. Where?! I need people. Where are you people?! Um.. um.. there it was in bright red. Exit. My escape. I ran to the exit door.

"Oh gosh." Dam, I'm out of shape.

Stairs. A slide would have been nice. I ran down those stupid stairs as fast as I could but I couldn't get the statue off my trail.

"I WANNA LIVE!!" I ran faster than I every did in my entire life. I can't breathe. I'm gonna pass out. This is it. This is the end for me. I will never graduate. I will never see a live band. I will never be on Ellen. I'll never fall in love. I'll never see my friends again. I'll never see my mom or my dad. I'll never figure out who the boy is. I'll never get my own husky. Oh man. I haven't lived.  I saw the faint light of the other exit door. Oh God, please help me. I not going to make it. I'm gonna make it. I not going to make it. I'm gonna make it! I not going to make it! I'm gonna make iiittttt!! I not going to make it. With my last bit of energy, I hurled myself at the door.



MAW-HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so evil. Lol. Just kidding!!!


Oh man this could not be anymore embarrassing. I looked up at him. Why Universe?! Why do you hate me?!!!

"Here let me help you." His hand reached out. I took ahold of his hand. His soft, warm hand. Oh man. I dusted myself off.

"Thanks." I muttered. I looked up at his cute face. He's staring at me. I bet I look like a homeless who spent their winter with a bear. Wait, I said cute! Ya, he is pretty cute.

"No problem, are you okay?" He asked sincerely.

"Ya, I am now."

"Did you come out of the exit door?"

"Ummm...ya." I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Why?" He quirked his head just the tiniest bit to the side.

That was a good question. I was not about to tell Harry or anyone that I was being chase. And that it might have been a statue. No way. So I did the next best thing.

"Sometimes I rather take the stairs than take the elevator, for the excise ya know? I have to keep health." I internally slapped myself. That has to be the stupidest thing ever. I want to crawl into a hole and die.

"Okay..." He chuckled. 


Better? Lol.



If you didn't read the chapter before, I have something to tell. Notice that I've changed the name Lucia to Ziana. So if I every mention Lucia please tell me.


Love y'all!!


if you wanna I ain't forcing you.


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