Chapter 27 ~ We're Here!

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Sorry, but without further a do(?)...

Let me update you.




Ta-da you're updated now.

We have been on this bus for a long time now. And let me tell you, it's getting me irritated. I was sitting with Zia, getting the window seat. Behind us was Leeroy and some dude he knew from some class, I really don't know. I think he's mentioned a dance club or class, not sure. But, ya. Mariah was in the seat to the left of us. She was actually sitting by herself because she was waiting for her best friend.

Let's just say we got stuck with the dumbos in the bus. Part of the cheer squad, some football players and some other kinds of sport players. And guess what? They idiots took it upon themselves to annoy the rest of the bus.

How, you may ask.

By doing six simple actions.

1: yelling ~ because of course what other way is there to tell your buddy that you saved a seat for them.

2: pictures ~ they love taking their selfies, for snapchat or Instagram.

3: singing ~ what is a bus ride without singing on it, right?

4: scream-conversations ~ you know when people are yelling across to talk to their friend.

5: over-exposed PDA ~ the couples causally making out on the seat as if their lives depended on. But the worst part about it, is that annoying sound they make.

6: the aweing ~ the people watching others engage in pda, claiming they're their relationship goals.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?Why? Why? Why? Wh-

"Hurry. Up. Woman!" Is exactly what breaks me out of my trance, the beautiful sound of a female yelling like if they were being accused of shoplifting at Wal-mart..Yaslin. She's dressed...differently? Light jeans, and a bright yellow shirt.

I couldn't help but cringe at the color. Of course I know for a fact Mariah will and probably does like it.

"Hi, guys!" she said slightly out of breath.

"Hey," we muttered.

"What's up with the shirt?" Ziana asked her. Yaslin looked down at it.

"What about it?" She questioned.

"It's so......yellow," Zia tried.

"Ya, you never wear yellow," Mariah says. Yaslin shrugs.

"Where'd you get it?" She asks.

"It was a dress and my mom cut it," Yaslin smiled and laughs. We stare at her before laughing.

"Hello! Can I get your attention please?!" yells the bus driver. The noise on the bus decreased but not disappeared. He went blabbing on about exits and all of the normal bus talks they always review us. It's not like we'll actually know what to do if, in a turn of events, the bus driver passes out or anything.

After that, everyone continued on with their on things. I got my phone out of my backpack as so did everyone else. Well, not out of their backpacks but like their pockets and stuff. Mariah and Yaslin showing each other vines or whatever, Zia on her phone texting away with her earbuds in. I look around before putting my own in.


"What'd you think of that one guy?" Zia asked referring to the guy we had encountered before.

"He's alright, I guess." I really don't know what she expected me to say, but she turned and looked at me with all seriousness.

"I thought he look fine," she shrugged. I looked at her weirdly. He wasn't that bad. He was fine.

"Who are you texting?!" I finally asked after getting slightly annoyed by the noise her phone was making.

"It's Louis texting me and Mariah on kik, he's getting annoying," she said looking down at her phone. That boy is odd.

"He has to be the weirdest person I've ever met," I responded.

"Agreed," Mariah said as Ziana nodded.

"We're almost there," Leeroy pointed out. Finally!

"Ugh, finally," I voiced my thoughts.

"Took long enough," Mariah said without looking up.

"What?!" I said when Zia hit my shoulder.

"Look," she pointed out the window. I looked out of it and saw a beautiful building.This is the museum? It's humongous!!

"This thing is huge," Leeroy's partner gazed at it. I simply nodded.

"It's bigger than I thought," Yaslin muttered.

"It better be, it has to hold our entire school," I scoffed. They looked at me confused, "what?"

"This isn't the whole school, Jackie," Mariah said as Yaslin laughed.

"You sure? It sure looked like it," I said. Mariah shrugged.

"Not all the school comes. Each program goes to a different place," she explained.

"I don't get it," I said still confused.

"Only photography, and art classes go on this field trip," she tried.

"And the choir and drama goes to their rehearsals at whatever place their going, dance and orchestra stays to practice," she informs me.

"I get it," I nod finally grasping the idea.

When the bus comes to a stop, a teacher tells us to stand by our teachers for our passes and we can explore the museum. Once off the bus, we made a decision to meet up in the front before splitting up to find our teachers. They all left off to find their art teachers, as I with Zia to find our teacher. As we were on our search, I noticed that there were a lot of buses here, about 5, I think. But they weren't all from our school, I didn't think much of it and from the looks of it neither did Ziana. She saw some of her classmates and they apparently knew where Ms. G was, so we just followed them. Sure enough we found her, got our cameras, passes, and left to find the rest.

"Hey, guys," I greeted them. They returned the gesture quickly.

"I'm so excited!!!" Mariah squealed, shaking Yaslin arm furiously, "aren't you excited?!?!"

"Ummmm.....ya sure," she responded looked at the her weirdly, briefly.

We entered the huge place that basically resembled a freaking palace. All excited and ready to explore, we were in awe as looked all around us. Everyone had the same look on their faces, well the ones who weren't sucking face did.


Ta-da!!! I updated!!!!

Btw the picture is of the Getty Museum in L.A.

I seriously hate my life rn. I absolutely hate it! My English class has just became worse and I don't think I'll make the rest of the year in that class. And I'm off to the ER! YAY!! Not. I'll post soon!!!!

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