Chapter 15 ~ The Girls' Date

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Dedication to LalaJaja1D for being awesome!!

"We're such loners." I said out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" Heather asks.

"I mean we're walking to a cafe, after getting our best friends ready for her date." I explain.

"I guess." Ziana says looking down at the concrete.

Heather stands in front of us causing us to stop walking.

"Look at it this way," she got on one knee "Jackie, Zia, would you do give me the honor of taking you guys on a date with me?" she faked an accent.

We broke into laughter as she got up. We continued walking towards the place. Apparently, it's called 5th's Pastries, because it was on 5th Street.

Once our laughter died down, it was completely silent, with the occasional car passing by. We were on our phones, while Heather lead the way.

Zia suddenly looked up and looked around. By the looks of it, Heather didn't notice the sudden movement.

"Heather, are we almost there?" she whispered, sounding a bit panicked. She kept looking side to side.

"Um...ya just a little bit further," she said but Ziana gave her a look to keep quiet, " We have the turn that corner and walk to the end of street and we're there." she said quietly.

"Okay." she whispered. I studied my friend before speaking up.

"Why?" I asked. I guess Heather notice her looking paranoid, because she finally spoke up.

"What's wrong?" she asked worried.

"Ssshhhh!!" Zia shushed us. We kept quiet and heard it.


That didn't belong to us. They came from behind us. I was about to look back, when Ziana tugged on my arm.

"Don't look back." she said rushed quietly.

"What is it?" Heather asked nervously.

"Someone's following us." Zia answered. My breath hitched.

I felt our pace get faster. We heard the heavy footsteps quickening.

"Zia!" Heather hissed.

"What?!" she whispered.

"I'm scared."

"I am too."

"That makes three of us." I said. We broke out into a jog so did the footsteps. Until we finally started to run full speed.

We ran until to the corner and turned left.

Once we started panting, we ran into one of the stores on the street. It appeared to be a store that sold a bunch of clothes.

We hid behind one of the racks with a good view of the front of the store. We saw a buff guy in black standing in front of the store. Just looking around. Then he turned to face the store, I quickly ducked behind the rack.

I felt something touching my hand, out of instinct, I moved my hand. I looked to see what it was, just to see Heather holding Zia's hand. She looked panicked while Ziana looked around the rack.

I look back at Heather to see her scared. Like really scared. I grab her hand. She looks at me and smiles weakly. I give her a reassuring smile and squeeze her hand in a supportive way.

"It's fine." I said.

We waited about 6 minutes until Zia looked back at us.

"I think it's safe to go now." she said. Heather let out a breath. We got up and dusted off our clothes.

Once out of the store, we ran to the cafe. We order our stuff and sat down to wait for it.

Soon we talked about anything and everything but our encounter from earlier.

We soon were done with eating so we got ready to go home.

Since it was Friday and after the incident, we didn't want to walk by ourselves to our own houses. So we decided to stay at Zia's, since it was the closest.

Once in her room we decided to watch t.v since it was too early to go to sleep.

"We'll...." Ziana started gaining our attention "That has to be the most interesting dates I've been to." she said.

We let out a half hearted laugh.

"Ya we should do it again," Heather said getting a confused look from us "Just without all of the exercise." she said.

"Ooohh." Ziana and I both said.


"It was the best day ever!!" we hear our friend shout.

"I'm glad you had fun, Mariah." Heather says.

Since we decided to spend the night at Ziana's, we are now listening to Mariah talk about her 'amazing' date with Zayn over the phone. We have her on speaker so all of us can hear her.

"Then he took me to the movies!" So far all we have learned is that he took her to lunch and the movies.

"That's great." Zia said.

"Ya, and then we walk around the mall and guess what?!" she squealed.

"What?" We asked simultaneously.

"We passed this photo booth thing and Zayn wanted us to take pictures. And they were so cute," she exclaimed, "In one he gave me a kiss, on the cheek of course, I'm smiling at the camera and then I have this surprised look on my face." she tells us.

We have decided not to tell her because, well, we don't want to ruin her day.She's so happy right now we didn't want to ruin it for her.

"Zayn was so cute and is a such gentleman," she says excitedly "He opened doors for me and stuff."

"Awwww!!" we exclaimed.

"Yup, it was fun, you should see the stuff he bought, even though I told him not to." she giggled. "But the best part is..." she paused for a dramatic effect "HE ASKED ME OUT ON ANOTHER DATE!!" she exclaimed.

We groaned in response.

"You're not gonna wake us up early, are you?" Heather asked. Mariah laughed.

"No, it's at four." she said. We heard voices in the background.

"Why?!" Mariah yelled back to the person. More noise. "Fine." she said.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"My mom." she stated.

"Oh." was all I could say.

"Look guys, I gotta go," she started "See you later!" she exclaimed.

"Bye, Mariah!!" we chorus. And she hung up.


Hey guys!!! Thanks for reading!! Don't forget to vote and the I love you!! I freaked when I saw the reads!! Thanks a lot!!

So let's get down to business....who do you think followed them? And why?? Dun dun dunnnn!!! Love you guys!!! Until next time, peaces!!!

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