Chapter 1

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((Yay another new story! This one is septiplier, for all you nutjobs like me out there :) I will try to update this as frequently as possible, but I can't promise anything, between school and work and the other story I'm currently writing, it might be only like once a week. But I'll try my best! :D Enjoy!))

Madhouse, loony bin, asylum, mental institute, whatever you want to call it. It's all the same, it's where they dump those unfit for society. It's where I was dumped.

I don't belong here though. I'm not crazy, I know he's real, I know it.


A voice breaks my thoughts. I glance up to an orderly, eyes narrowing as he spoke my real name.


I correct with a snarl. This time his eyes narrowed, and he gestures for me to stand. Hesitantly I do.

"You're doctor's here..."

"Doctor Kjellberg?"

I question quietly. Last time I saw him he had screamed at me, threw a fit all because he couldn't 'get through to me'. The orderly shakes his head, small smile twitching onto his face.

"No. he quit... Couldn't handle your crazy."

I felt my teeth grind together as he approached, and my vision goes red.

~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~

My feet slow as I approach the large building. A seemingly nice place, if it weren't for the large gates surrounding it almost threateningly. Once you were in, it seemed to trap you, not letting you leave until it's driven you truly insane.

Shaking these thoughts away I step inside. If only I could stop with the morbid thoughts. I've been to plenty institutions, but this one was different. Something about it made me uneasy. A woman at the front desk smiles at me, pushing a strand of short blonde hair out of her face almost flirtatiously.

"How can I help you?"

"I'm the new psychiatrist.... Mark Fischbach?"

I finish almost questioningly, clearing my throat as I felt her eyes trail me.

"Oh of course! I'm Amy."

She smiles toothily, letting her finger twirl in her already curly hair. I nod in a slight greeting and release a breath as she stands.

"I'll show you to your office."

Thankful to leave the fairly awkward situation I follow after her, through the mess of halls, certain muffled voice heard as we passed the many doors. Finally she stops at one, pressing it open to reveal a decently nice office.

Cream colored walls and a gray carpet covering the floor. A desk sat in the corner, a few files atop its dark oak surface. A couple bookshelves line the walls, though they remained fairly empty. And in the center was a large black chair, a coffee table in front of it, and a red couch, sticking out like a sore thumb against the otherwise simple colored room.

"You're first patient should be coming in any moment."

Amy draws my attention back to her, giving one last grin before flaunting away, swinging her hips more than necessary. I huff and step over to the desk. They certainly got right into business, not giving me a day to adjust. Not that I minded, I like to stay busy.

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