Chapter 20

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((Sorry this one skips around with POV's so much :) ))

I release a relieved sigh at the familiar female's voice, and give a small smile.

"Hey Amy... What's up?"

The officer relaxes in the corner of my vision.

"Did you hear about Sean? The cops are looking for him, he's just gone..."

Her voice frantic I simply nod before remembering she couldn't' see the gesture.

"Yah I heard... I'm with an officer right now..."

My eyes instinctually dart towards the other man in the room. I hear her sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Oh right... I'll call back later then..."

"That would be best... See you around, Amy."

I hang up after her soft goodbye and look to the officer again who gives a simple nod.

"Right... I'll be on my way then..."

He leaves soon after that, leaving me to my stress. As my phone rings again I huff, grabbing it without looking at the number and put it to my ear.

"Amy, not now."

Silence... just a slight static before a soft voice breaks through, trembling with each word. But easily recognizable...


~~~~~Jack's POV~~~~~

What do I do, what do I do, what do I do!?

Panicked thoughts race. Sure it's not my first time seeing blood, or even death, but this... this is so much worse than anything. The amount of anger I could feel from simply looking at Anti's masterpiece, it terrified me.

Speaking of... Only now do I notice the absence of the demon's usual taunts, or even bragging about his wrongdoings. Where was he? My head certainly doesn't feel empty, but the lack of another voice makes me feel truly alone, even if I usually enjoyed the silence.

Mark... I could call Mark... He'd help me, right?

I feel my heartrate pick up slightly.

If he sees this though... I'll scare him away... He'll lock me up again... But then again... What other option do I have? I don't have anyone else to turn to... not anymore.

I finally sigh, until my one limitation hits me... I don't own a phone... I feel my heart drop to my stomach, and curl up tighter. Honestly expecting to simply lay here and die next to this poor man...

The man...

My eyes slowly travel up again, skipping over the gory cavity, and face, going directly to his jeans... Maybe...

I shake my head, burying it into my quivering knees once more.

I can't do that... Isn't that worse... Looting his destroyed corpse...

I half expect that voice to pitch in, to tell me what to do, but more silence rings. I take a few minutes, sucking in a small breath. I lift my head once more, pushing away my more guilt-ridden thoughts.

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