Chapter 17

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The silence resonates, I don't think anyone dared breathe at this point. Signe's eyes remain wide, and for a moment I think she'll take off running. Not that I'd stop her, she needs to get as far away from him as possible...

"I-I... I think I'll..."

She finally manages to form some semblance of words. I give a quick nod as she steps back, and now I'm completely sure she'll run.

"Nonsense... Come on in... Signe..."

He nearly spits out her name. The female gives a small squeak and as though not in control of her body she walks through the door. Fear will do that to a person. I cuss under my breath, instinctively standing in front of the smaller girl protectively.

Anti smiles slightly, still putting on the façade of Sean, keeping his eyes mostly blue. Enough that Signe wouldn't notice the sickening color beneath.

He walks forward and I tense up myself, instinctively glaring at the man.

"What brings you to this big beautiful dope?"

Anti's voice comes out a dark chuckle as he circles predatorily, glancing at the female as he gestures towards me with his head. Signe keeps her head down, visibly shaking.


She can't form the words... The poor girl... All she's been through and now having to face this monster... Not to mention she believed this to be Sean... The one she loved... It has to be downright traumatic.

"Are you crazy too? Come seeking therapy?"

His manic eyes remain on her, silently expecting an answer. She quickly shakes her head, to which the monster grins, teeth almost sharp.

"I just... I-I..."

There it is... the stuttering again. I push her gently behind me and glare at the man before me.

"Enough... Leave her alone..."

Anti's eyes travel up to me, a slight annoyance hiding within the green that continues to threaten his otherwise ocean blue eyes.

"Make me, Markimoo..."

He growls out, a small warning dancing within his changing eyes, a small part of me winces at the anger, but I stay outwardly stoic. I glare down at him, trying to open my mouth again, but it goes numb I feel my eyes narrow in question... or was that a glare? I'm not sure. The feeling foreign to me.

"Leave the girl alone, Septiceye."

My voice comes out deeper... No that's not my voice... That time it was Dark, that much was obvious. If it weren't at first the anger, yet defeat, that spread over Anti's face confirmed it. He opens his mouth as though to argue, but closes it again, turning and storming off down the hallway. What the Hell is with these two...?

I feel control return to my mouth and I finally release a small breath of relief, though him being out of my sight wasn't something I'd often trust...


The female's timid voice pulls me back into reality. I blink a few times, turning towards her, yet keeping an eye down the hallway. I give a small shake of my head, softly telling her to drop it, she does thankfully, but that leads her to another question.

"W-Why is he in your house... Why isn't he..."

"Look... I can't really explain..."

I sigh quietly, instinctively running my fingers through my already disheveled hair. I look down at the female, her greenish eyes questioning, and I finally release a huff.

"Look... I'm trying to help him... and he's trying to help me... So if you're going to call the cops... Just do it... I won't stop you."

She chews her lip nervously, rocking back and forth on her heels thoughtfully.


I notice her hand go to her pocket as though she considered calling the cops, ending this all right now.

"That... That wasn't Sean was it...?"

Her words stop me, I narrow my eyes in question.

"Excuse me?"

Did I hear her right? Her cheeks flush.

"I... Sorry I know it sounds crazy but..."

Her voice grows softer, I silently urge her to continue. Finally she does.

"Like when he attacked me... That wasn't Sean... I mean it looks like him... and... sounds like him... but..."

"It's not him..."

I finish her sentence softly once she had stopped. Her eyes move up to mine again, silent questions hiding underneath them.

"Doctor... Please... Just tell me what's going on... I want to help..."

I suck in a small breath, letting my eyes move away. I doubt she could help... but maybe she'd have some idea... Maybe I could tell her...

I try to open my mouth and speak however it remains shut, as though my lips were glued together.

Not a word, Mark...

Why the hell not?

I argue back silently, ignoring the anger I felt rise from the creature in my head. I try and do something to move my mouth, yet it remains shut.

Mark... Don't make this difficult...

His voice comes out a warning, and I almost consider just listening to him. But my damn defiance, won't let me.

Enough! Let me talk!

I hear a sigh come from my head, and along with my lips I feel the rest of my body go numb, starting in my hands until I could no longer move, yet my body did it anyway as Dark took control.

He looks down at the girl, with a gentle smile, one that didn't suit the creature at all, but he did look like me after all. I struggle to retake control.

"Look it's nothing for you to worry about."

His usual deep voice comes out of my mouth, sounding like me, yet still off. Signe looks up at me... him... with question.


"Don't concern yourself with it... It's best you leave Signe..."

He opens the door, gesturing her out. She walks out, shooting one last look backwards with curiosity. It was clear she wouldn't let this go... Finally she walks off and Dark shuts the door with an internal huff, yet still doesn't give me control of my own body.

He gives a light chuckle as I fight for control, though frankly a pathetic attempt...

"Now now Mark... I'll give it back in a moment..."

His eyes travel down the hall with almost a glare. Without another word he walks down it, stopping at the one closed door and pushing it open without so much as knocking.

"Septiceye, we nee-"

He stops at the empty room, narrowing his... my... eyes as they scan. Soon landing on the window that was shoved open, curtains billowing around it. I feel his anger grow, allowing me to take control once more. Not that I really wanted to... given the circumstances. However I do, and only one word manages to escape me.


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